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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. and you miss the point entirely once again. Those Native American-derived names are not viewed as offensive. The Redskins are. BTW, the Braves’ “tomahawk chop” chant was phased out for the exact same reason that Washington is facing calls to change their name, so do a least a modicum of research before starting a thread. I know your itching to get back into this but don’t go out of your way to make yourself look ignorant. The calls to change the franchise’s name were coming before “cancel culture” really even became a thing. ”Redskins” derives from the term used to describe bounties put on the scalps of slain Native Americans. If you think that’s okay, then okay.
  2. I mean maybe that’s why I said “presumptive” but if he really rolls in there and doesn’t win the job from Stidham then he doesn’t even deserve the contract he got, horrible that it is.
  3. eh, this is pretty much what everyone has said about Allen and his deep passing - not enough arc on throws and poor lower body mechanics at times.
  4. Good. Honestly this should be permanent. The only thing more pointless in the NFL than preseason is the Pro Bowl.
  5. I would hope the NFL doesn't think its fans are as dumb as that scenario suggests (but who knows.) I think there is a more mundane reason for this waiver requirement - the NFL's and the teams' liability insurance carriers are probably insisting on it.
  6. This deal has to make Cam the cheapest presumptive starting QB in the league by far, right?
  7. How many other past or present NFL owners have statues? I was only aware of the Richardson one.
  8. All true. I’ll get scared of this when I see Cam at 100% 2015 Cam. Until I see that, to me this is Bill picking up scraps.
  9. God every time you post - in stitches, I swear. So so funny. Leno funny. You’re funnier than @4merper4mer and that’s saying A LOT ?
  10. He’s not suspended so far as I know - his legal issues are still under review by the league last I checked. So if and/or when any suspension or other punishment is laid down by the league, I’m sure those steps to get back in will be provided to him. He’s free to sign with any team right now. Granted, teams may be hesitant to sign him now if his legal trouble is still under review, but that’s his fault, not the interested teams’ nor the league’s. Look, AB’s not the type it seems to willingly commit to therapy, and that fact probably has already cost him millions, and will likely cost him millions more. That is entirely his fault. Personally I don’t care if he really does have 5 more 1,000 yard seasons in him and we never see it. Plenty of other stars to watch in the league.
  11. he’s rich enough to get his own therapy. He’s not employed by any NFL team. Given his tenure in the league, he probably still has league-provided health care. But they can’t compel him to seek treatment (there’s laws against that), so I don’t know what “look out” for him really means. You tell me.
  12. oh yes. Let’s have the league push for this guy’s return after a extremely public mental break and subsequent legal issues. “He’s got good football left” so let’s have Rog urge some team to sign him and possibly blow up their locker room. That sounds, I can’t even say how that sounds without getting banned.
  13. Both are true but from what I saw of Lamar last year, those outside-the-numbers throws are UGLY. personally I don’t think there’s a problem with hollywood brown or whoever else they got lining up outside. And I don’t think AB would help much either. The problem is Lamar and his limitations. Good thing for Baltimore, he’s so great at everything else it doesn’t matter much (except to his wideout’s numbers.) please. Baltimore would sign him. He can play with his cousin. Maybe the younger one can keep him in line.
  14. What “trial”? He plead guilty to everything to avoid the death penalty. Did I skip to another timeline or something Vader?
  15. Is it up there for football reasons?
  16. The Bills are in the same position as 90% of the league, and that includes your Jets and NE - if they lose their starting QB for any significant length of time, they’re in big trouble. Bridgewater and NO last year notwithstanding, most backup QBs in this league are bad. And it’s comical that you think Flacco isn’t completely washed up after flaming out in Denver last year. I’d be more worried about your starter if I were you anyways. Him, and the fact that your best player is routinely talking trash online trying to get outta town. Worry about that.
  17. This is funny because Barkley beat the brakes off the Jets. Does Jetfan even revisit his own threads anymore? Or does he just drive-by troll us now?
  18. Goddell probably bent over backwards to accommodate Kraft in exchange for a promise not to appeal.
  19. that’s right - i was more talking about the popularity of the franchise, not JJ himself. In fact, i’d say Jerruh is not too popular among current players nowadays. But the cowboys “brand” is still immensely popular. I know, I hate it too.
  20. i was waiting for this from you. Can you explain why, exactly (using your words, this time little guy, not a sheep gif) you have such a distrust of people smarter than you? Do they threaten you? Frighten you even?
  21. he does know a lot, compared to some other owners but he also has a lot of aces in the hole when it comes to attracting free agents. He runs the most popular franchise, he’s in the south, where many of the best players come from nowadays, and he has past success. And yet, Jerruh hasn’t won squat in a long time. And as he’s gotten older, I’d argue Jerruh has hurt his team more than he’s helped it. That, combined with his antiquated beliefs say to me he’s probably hurting the franchise more than helping it at this point. Which is good! I hate the cowboys almost as much as I hate the Washington team. I hope JJ lives to 105 and runs the Cowboys into the ground.
  22. I get that. I suppose the fact that she decided to do it based on the recommendation of another employee makes it seem (to me at least) like she wasn’t really actively meddling.
  23. If that’s what you read into it, sure. Makes some sense. I saw nonsense about how SF is gonna “combust” and that their “going all in” without really saying much in terms of evidence to all that. you had a good point, Tipster (as usual) did not.
  24. Jet fans are climbing fast on my hate board just based on the few that poke around here alone.
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