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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Jeez exaggerating much? Missed by 10 yards? Hardly ....
  2. It’s black-and-white if you would bother to read the rules, you can decide not to catch the ball at all, you can kneel down, or you can slide. But no instance can you just catch the ball and throw it at the referee. Rules are black and white they’re not common sense and they’re not meant to interpretation on the fly, that just leads to trouble.It’s black-and-white if you would bother to read the rules, you can decide not to catch the ball at all, you can kneel down, or you can slide. But no instance can you just catch the ball and throw it at the referee. Rules are black and white they’re not common sense and they’re not meant to interpretation on the fly, that just leads to trouble. Please with the rulebook show us how they got it right, because clearly they got it wrong.
  3. Why, what good would that do? It would drive people to leave and find another outlet...
  4. I just flew into DC today, the guys I met with one is a Pats fan the other not a fan of any particular team. Both were raving about Allen, both said he still needs to grow but said the future will be incredible for him. Yet a small portion of our own alleged fans think he’s terrible... SMH....
  5. The runner didn’t give himself up, there is only three ways to that and he clearly did not. Common sense has no place here, black and white rules do. Has nothing to do with the fact the NFL didn’t follow their own rules.
  6. Dumbest response in a long line of dumb responses. The officials are not tasked with judging intent, they are there to enforce rules that in this instance are black & white. In victory formation can a qb just hand the ball to the the official, Or does he have to kneel first? Does a runner who is 20 yards in front of the last defender have to cross the goal line before tossing the ball in celebration or is it ok to accidentally throw it 6” before the goal line? I mean he intended to cross the line before throwing it. You see rules matter, you can’t be so ambiguous to leave judging intent to the officiating, chaos would ensue and favoritism would be screamed at every turn.. The NFL’s men in there little black outfits decided they did not want this embarrassment, wanted a Competive game, and they wanted the JJ Watt story to continue. They figured there would be enough people like you that would be fine with them ignoring the rules because it was so unbelievable that they could get away with it without much of an uproar. Typical NFL ***** show...
  7. You cracked me up with that PFF comment ??? I think your spot on with your 30-40% Another 20% next year with better talent around and hopefully better play calling better execution by all and he will easily be a top 10 guy and continuing to climb every year...
  8. The grounding was a deflected pass with terrible blocking, the lateral actually stopped the clock, the 4th down sack was terrible blocking and we should have been punting in the first place and we tied the game after that. He had issues, those plays weren’t why we lost...
  9. Ooh, that’s a hard one, not sure which way that would go to be honest. Belacheat potentially could be around a lot longer then Tommy Boy can keep playing...
  10. Cause your right there was no pass rush pressure and all the third downs were of manageable distances where the defense didn’t know if we would run or pass ? SMH...
  11. He didn’t have a better option and if DiMarco doesn’t jump a step too soon, he has a good chance of catching it. A Qb in that situation can’t question what open receiver he is throwing too, he has to trust them to make the catch. And I say it’s ok Daboll for having him on the field and calling that play...
  12. The 4th and 27 is nothing more than a reminder of how inept the o line still is... Well sure it is, but for some reason our brilliant OC thinks a slow plodding fullback is the best option on that play?
  13. Thank you for adding so much to this post and making this forum a wonderful place to express ones opinion ?
  14. I started a thread about the o-line and received the usual brain dead responses as usual on this board. Don’t go against the narrative you will be ridiculed. But make no mistake, the online is still a problem.
  15. You’re arguing with a brick wall, he made his mind up on draft night and won’t let it go. Better left ignored he doesn’t bring a shred of intelligence to the conversation...
  16. Nice push off on that gwtd the fans are going to be pissed again and they should be...
  17. Yes but Josh is a whole lot better than then and at times yesterday and against New England and Baltimore, the line played as bad as they did in that preseason game. So your saying whenever we got in scoring position and the line gave up sack after sack where the pressure was instantaneous, that was real improvement over last year? What were you watching?
  18. I was looking at a line that still can’t pass protect and only increased their run productivity by one spot. You can show all the different names you wantsnd claim there was a night and day difference but when you look at where it got them, show me where the giant improvements came from besides Joshes year to year improvements and a better running back? I don’t know what you we’re watching, but when it came down to crunch time, the line didn’t perform.
  19. I have to ask because pass blocking under pressure was atrocious and run blocking inside the 30 was not nearly good enough. If you take away Singletary and the obvious improvement Josh Allen made, how much better was the line? It’s a good question, I would expect a better answer from you than just a dismissive response.
  20. 40 million with no qb and players to sign they have problems to improve the offense...
  21. There were a few times last night I thought they got instant pressure bringing 3...
  22. I thought he made some excellent short throws last night, consistently better than earlier in the season, but no doubt that’s an area of concern.
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