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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. I don’t think there is more than two or three people on this forum that would trust your opinion on a QB to tell you the truth....
  2. The Allen idiots on this forum are just tiring. It would be nice to have a conversation without the stupidity just once... I guess the block function needs to be exercised more frequently...
  3. Get out really???? Thank you for making me, heck making the whole board laugh, spit out their coffee, burst out in their cubicle ???? Just a quack actually....
  4. Actually looks like pass interference from that angle. No way to tell what that contact causes his body to do. In the end it still was a very catchable ball though, one he should have made...
  5. Well does he struggle to get open or not? He obviously does get open or he wouldn’t have got ten targets. He made a few catches in the first half that others on this team struggle to do with any regularity that you conveniently ignore. Maybe if he would have got more consistent playing time throughout the season he would have done better under the pressure of the circumstances. Or maybe this is who he is, nobody knows yet. To act all high and mighty like you knew he wouldn’t make the catches if given the chance is pretty big BS on your part. And to act like all the other receivers on this team didn’t have there share of drops would be ignorant to. The only obvious truth is the whole core needs to play better and a few better replacements need to be found.
  6. a lot easier to go against 11 & not 12. But your point about all the big game experience is spot on, hopefully this all helps in Allen’s growth....
  7. That wasn’t really a speed route and Brown doesn’t always get separation as the Ravens game proved. But in the the end you are right, the ball hit him square in the hands, Duke did everything right running the route but in his biggest moment he failed to catch a very catchable ball. Now would he have been better if he was playing all season? Nobody knows. Will he be good enough to make this team next year? I would keep him over McKenzie and Foster, but I guess it depends on free agency and the draft, I honestly don’t know how old Duke is and if that’s a factor. Bottom line, sucks for everyone he didn’t perform when it was his chance to shine. Unfortunately this can be said about 10 other guys on this team for this game, and that’s why we are having this discussion.... No doubt these clips show he should have had it. Damn it sucks, but you can’t single Duke out, there isn’t a single other player in this team you could guarantee me makes that catch this game, everybody let us down...
  8. Yes but receivers pop a ball up and catch it all the time, if the hand didn’t pull his arm back no doubt he brings it in, also very real doubt Brown or Beasley make the jump to even get a hand in it...
  9. Actually your post shows the pass wasn’t as perfect as it looked and the DB got his hand ? I n there before he had a chance to haul it in. He also got up and over to a place the rest of our smurf receivers never would have gone, nice job thanks for making the case for a taller receiver...
  10. Ah who knows what the heck I’m saying LOL .... I’ll shorten it, I’m good with Allen, we need more talent around him.... I already have, and a better contribution than you have put forward...
  11. Good observation, not every poster here has the same opinion, some like Daboll the OC others think he’s terrible, I think the jury is still out, but I don’t have a lot of faith in Daboll taking us to the next level...
  12. Then almost every team will struggle against a half decent defense....
  13. Sure but doesn’t mean the discussion is good or educated... And he is right, Bean don’t care what some Tard from Canada posts on Twitter and who’s to say his break down is correct in the first place?
  14. Nope, it all starts with the offensive line. If it doesn’t give adequate protection especially in critical situations then everything becomes an issue after that. What did Zay, Benjamin do after they left here? Allen is still young and learning, but he is far from the problem here. 23 and learning on the job being compared to qb’s that have far more experience or far better weapons. The impatience around her is laughable. If he hadn’t improved since last year you might have a case, but he has shown steady improvement since his first game and that’s what we want and should expect. If Watson and the Texans has all the improper officiating calls go against them we wouldn’t be having this conversation. And that’s not an excuse, just the truth. Next year with most of the offense returning with another year in the system and hopefully some added talent he should make marked improvement again. If not, then you can start to B word. Until then your expectations are ridiculous for a young qb who played Junior college ball and Wyoming and was expected to sit out his first year....
  15. Your point is crap, it’s not the only reason, but it is part of the reason. I could call out several Texan holds each one may have stopped the game from going to overtime.
  16. Wrong, the rules states you can’t make a forward pass after a change in possession. It is the intent that a forward pass after change of possession is illegal and it also states it is a safety. You can choose to ignore the rules, but the rule is black and white, He did not by the rule give himself up, no argument there, he did commit an illegal forward pass in the end zone, black and white rule there too. The only by the rule out come is a safety. The player was lazy and didn’t follow the written and accepted rules. There is no other interpretation. You don’t get to pick and choose which rules you want to follow, you have to change them in order for that. It’s amazing people can’t understand this, or what door that opens if that’s truly how the game rules are to be enforced.
  17. What other rules would you like to ignore? Having a team moved out of field goal position on a blind side block that wasn’t a blind side block In reality is that ok? Ignoring the play clock that allows a drive continue for the game winning points is that ok? Just want to know where your line is???
  18. In the end we know nothing changes from this discussion. But the question I really would like to see answered is why did the NFL officials on the sideline that rushed into the field, tell the crew to reverse a correct call? That’s really a big deal and what’s being glossed over by all the common sense people. Those who say the NFL doesn’t have its own agenda I’m sure will have all the excuses for this action, but it’s pretty bold, if all of the sports news people and executives would call them out, I would like to see Rodger have to answer for this. Of course it will never happen, it’s already swept under the rug and we are on to the next round...
  19. Section “8” The forward pass A.R 8.5 An illegal forward pass in end zone result is a safety, previously it is stated that a forward pass can not be made after a change in possession.
  20. Actually there is, and it’s a safety.... “If a player of the team which intercepts, catches, or recovers the ball commits a live-ball foul in the end zone, it is a safety. If a player who intercepts, catches, or recovers the ball throws a completed illegal forward pass from the end zone, the ball remains alive.“
  21. If they apply common sense, why was Fords block flagged for a blind side hit when it wasn’t even close? Why weren’t the Texans flagged for delay of game when the clock reached zero, common sense says when a clock reaches zero, your time is up. That’s why it’s important to follow the rule book. The player merely had to drop to his knee or not catch it at all, he screwed up and you want to give him a pass. He was lazy and you want to reward him. You have also dug yourself in on something you just won’t admit you are wrong about. Be a man an admit it...
  22. Refs don’t have the choice of making common sense calls, it’s black and white and you are so dug in you won’t admit that you are wrong, you’re like a 2 year old . The point isn’t people are hurt, the point isn’t interpreting what he meant to do, the point is the overriding by the off field officials was wrong and their is no arguing that. Common sense says if there is a written rule you follow it or this exact argument ensues. Be a man and admit you are wrong.....
  23. You’re arguing with someone who hasn’t a clue about the rules, that never goes well and I’m sure he’ll never admit he is wrong....
  24. Since you’re too lazy to do it yourself and your acting like an expert on something you don’t know anything about, I did your home work for you. “E” is the relevant line and every expert has pointed to this as why the ruling was wrong. Why do you think the official didn’t blow his whistle and backed away from the ball? The call on the field was the correct call. Section 2 Dead Ball Article 1: Dead Ball Declared. An official shall declare the ball dead and the down ended: (a) when a runner is contacted by a defensive player and touches the ground with any part of his body other than his hands or feet. The ball is dead the instant the runner touches the ground. A runner touching the ground with his hands or feet while in the grasp of an opponent may continue to advance; or (b) when a runner is held or otherwise restrained so that his forward progress ends; or (c) when a quarterback immediately drops to his knee (or simulates dropping to his knee) behind the line of scrimmage; or (d) when a runner declares himself down by sliding feet first on the ground. The ball is dead the instant the runner touches the ground with anything other than his hands or his feet; or Note: Defenders are required to treat a sliding runner as they would a runner who is down by contact. (1) A defender must pull up when a runner begins a feet-first slide. This does not mean that all contact by a defender is illegal. If a defender has already committed himself, and the contact is unavoidable, it is not a foul unless the defender commits some other act, such as helmet-to-helmet contact or by drivinghisforearmorshoulderintotheheadorneck areaoftherunner. (2) A runner who desires to take advantage of this protection is responsible for starting his slide before contact by a defensive player is imminent; if he does not, and waits until the last moment to begin his slide, he puts himself in jeopardy of being contacted. (e) when a runner is out of bounds, or declares himself down by falling to the ground, or kneeling, and making no effort to advance; or (f) when an opponent takes a ball that is in the possession of a runner who is on the ground; or Note: An opponent may take or grab a ball (hand to hand) in possession of a runner who is on his feet or is airborne. (g) when a forward pass (legal or illegal) is incomplete (see 8-1-4); or (h) when any legal or illegal kick touches the receivers’ goal posts or crossbar, unless it scores a field goal (see 9-4-2); or (i) when a loose ball comes to rest anywhere in the field of play, and no player attempts to recover it; the official covering the play should pause momentarily before signaling that the ball is dead. Any legal (or illegal) kick is awarded to the receivers, and any other ball is awarded to the team last in possession. When awarded to a team behind a goal line, the ball is placed on the one-yard line. (j) when any legal or illegal kick is caught or recovered by the kickers, except a scrimmage kick that is kicked from behind the line and is recovered behind the line (not a Try kick). See 9-3-2-Item3 for exception; or (k) when the defense gains possession during a Try, or it is obvious a Try-kick will not score; or (l) when a touchdown, touchback, safety, field goal, or Try has been made; or (m) when any receiver catches or recovers the ball after a fair catch signal (valid or invalid) has been made, provided the ball has not been touched by an opponent, before or after it strikes the ground; or (n) when an official sounds his whistle while the ball is still in play, the ball becomes dead immediately; (i) If the ball is in player possession, the team in possession may elect to put the ball in play where it has been declared dead or to replay the down. (ii) If the ball is a loose ball resulting from a fumble, backward pass, or illegal forward pass, the team last in possession may elect to put the ball in play at the spot where possession was lost or to replay the down. (iii) If the ball is a loose ball resulting from a legal forward pass, a free kick, a fair-catch kick, or a scrimmage kick, the ball is returned to the previous spot, and the down is replayed.
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