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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Listen to these clowns cry about Lamar getting hit...
  2. Except there was no foul on the play, he didn’t forcibly hit the player, it was a bad call The NFL as usual is digging in defending themselves because they know they f’d up the game , they got the result they wanted, but it’s obvious all the calls They gave Houston were Bs...
  3. Shows how much a good running game can help a young Qb for that matter any Qb. Ours “online”is not good enough yet. Our online needs improvement...
  4. Amazing how much they went into protect Jimmy G mode after his interception...
  5. Jim Kelly played how many years in the USFL before he came here? It took him a couple years before he was the great Qb he became. Duke didn’t get enough playing time this year to grow, if he works hard this off season he may have a chance to play next year depending on what offseason moves we make. The whole he can’t get open is BS you don’t get 10 looks in a play off game if your never open so we can stop that exaggeration right now...
  6. Whew I hope Transplant isn’t crushed by this??? SMH.... Thank goodness nobody cares if you respect them or not.
  7. This encourages me. A better wide receiver, an additional running back a RT and a little better play calling and next year can be very exciting...
  8. Every single pass that isn’t perfect is dissected and shown as reason why he isn’t an NFL QB, it’s ridiculous...
  9. Amazing what you see when you watch other Qb’s. Sacks, interceptions, missed passes, WTF? I thought Allen was out of the playoffs????
  10. The pitchforks and torches for Allen if he threw that ball would burn Buffalo to the ground...
  11. I think he does so well when he gets out we need to be more creative in that part of the the game...
  12. He has the elusiveness, do you think he’s faster than Allen? Allen got two...
  13. I watch that run and I wonder why we rarely if ever see a sweep like that with Singletary?
  14. Actually you aren’t as smart as you think you are, the rule states it has to be “forcible contact “ with head arms or shoulder, and several NFL experts including Micheal Perreria said this did not meet that definition. Maybe you should read the damn rules and gain a better understanding instead of acting like an arrogant prick around here...
  15. That’s not a fine though is it, two different things. Why do you think you are so much smarter than every else around here?
  16. This is the NFL digging in and showing you what happens when you complain about their crooked officiating. During the season next year you will see more egregious calls against us.Typical BS...
  17. I wish I had the time to pull clips of all the ignored fouls committed on him the past few years. The Bills need to go this and ask what’s up????
  18. He’s a stat watcher, it’s what you get when you don’t actually pay attention to what’s happening on the field.The biggest problem with Hughs is that the referees have obviously black balled him after the confrontation....
  19. Nope not interested in engaging the people in this forum who already made up theirs minds, there is no having a decent discussion, it has been proven for almost two seasons now. The adjectives are correct in this instance, call them what you may. There are certain individuals here that have no intention to have an open conversation, you can show them statistics, videos, comparisons, and they ignore all of it, so I for one will no longer even try. Anyone who wants to listen to opinions and facts I will have a dialog with, I actually was proven wrong on how Duke dropped his pass earlier today and I fully admit it. But there is no back n forth, no give in take, it is what it is and after this season I am not interested in these certain posters anymore....
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