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Everything posted by SirAndrew

  1. It’s a copy cat league, and Belichick really gave the league a blueprint on how to stop the Rams in last years Super Bowl.
  2. Lamar is a unique talent, and that’s what some people are missing. I’m not claiming he’ll play at this level forever, but I don’t like any comparison to other players. Lamar Jackson is one of a kind. Greg Roman’s offense simply allows him to showcase his talent. It’s not the same as McVay making Goff look good the past few years. Goff never had special talent like Jackson does.
  3. I wondered the same about the Jags D. It seems like it’s very difficult to maintain a dominant defense over multiple seasons though. There’s been quite a few teams who have made runs with a solid defense who seemed to fall apart shortly after making a playoff run.
  4. Didn’t realize I had a Pats apologist rep. I’m just fatigued by hearing Bills fans talking about how Brady is “done” for the last ten years. I’m a big Bills fan (just as everyone here), but come on, let’s beat the guy before we worry about if he’s done. I have no issue talking about football, and mentioning Brady’s decline is part of that. Brady’s decline is very real, but he’s at least a middle of the road QB, and who knows how long the Pats can keep winning with him. Pats WR’s other than Edelman are well below average. It doesn’t make me a Brady fan to recognize that reality.
  5. Exactly, it’s always been a matter of when not if. He’s still a pretty good NFL QB imo, with a really weak supporting cast around him. I’ll give the victory to Father Time when he’s done winning Super Bowls. Nothing this season tells me winning another is not a possibility.
  6. All this talk about Brady being “done” really ignores the fact he has a brutal supporting cast. I can’t believe I’m defending Brady, but it’s the truth.
  7. The Cowboys have a huge fan base, so the media will always talk about them. I agree that Dallas is a mediocre team who isn’t going very far. I also believe the NFC is much better than the AFC, and Dallas would be one of the better teams if they were in the AFC. I’m not ready to talk trash Dallas until we go to Arlington and take care of business on Thanksgiving. Winning in Dallas would go a long way towards the Bills getting some respect on the national level. We’ve failed at almost every opportunity to win that type of game during McD’s tenure. I’m a supporter of McD, but it’s time to start competing with the better teams in this league.
  8. I’ll call the Boys overrated, and criticize their schedule after we beat them on Thanksgiving.
  9. Exactly, people know they just can’t say that kind of stuff. You can’t insult your opponent in a manner that your own teammates would find offensive.
  10. I agree with most of that, but I think it’s naive to believe that using certain racial and even ethnic epithets aren’t likely to get you beat up. Just because you can’t use those words wouldn’t make me feel like I’m playing with a crazy teammate. Then again, maybe my experience growing up was different than most. There are some words you just don’t say to people without extremely triggering them. That’s why Garrett would potential make up such a damaging story. I agree, even if it weren’t a lie, it doesn’t necessarily excuse the act, but just saying words does make lots of people come unhinged. That’s why Garrett is going with it, and also why it’s tough to believe Rudolph is just throwing it out there.
  11. Exactly, but I’m also referring to a potential assault charge, which I’m sure Rudolph won’t pursue.
  12. This^ If Rudolph turned it into a legal battle, he wouldn’t be very well liked by his team or the league. Seeing an NFL player sue another would be a bigger story than any of what happened up to this point.
  13. Not as much, especially when it’s tape. I just have my doubts that we’ll see it happen.
  14. Defamation suits are tough to win. People are getting a little overzealous around here thinking Rudolph is getting something out of this madness.
  15. I really miss when football was just a sport, and not a microcosm of the world we live in. Everything about this is gross, and terrible for football.
  16. Good to see Watkins still never makes a play on 50/50 balls.
  17. Yeah, but who’s going to blame Mahomes if the Chiefs miss the playoffs? This Chiefs D is just unbelievably terrible.
  18. I really thought when the shaded area debuted several years ago fan reaction would be negative enough for NBC to discontinue it. I don’t know how anyone benefits from that stupid graphic.
  19. I’d like to think of it less as punishment, and more giving the guy time to settle down. If I were a coach, I’d be concerned that a guy needs some time to get his head back in the game. Sometimes fumbles come in bunches. As some sort of “discipline”, I don’t understand. It’s like when you see college coaches yelling at their kicker when they miss a field goal, it’s not like the guy wanted to miss the kick.
  20. Thanksgiving in Dallas is a tough game, regardless of the Cowboys record. As proven by the Pats struggles against the Eagles today, the NFC is tougher than the AFC. The Cowboys and Bills might be evenly matched, but it’s not an easy game. I’m a McDermott guy, but he has yet to prove he can win a big game. Thanksgiving day in Dallas is a big game. McD’s biggest win was in Atlanta a couple years back. Dallas would be a big win this year.
  21. Turn on the radio broadcast, Kyle Williams has made a point of praising almost every Daboll call today. I like Kyle as much as the next guy, and Daboll hasn’t been bad so far, but it’s a bit over the top and seems too forced.
  22. This is already a QB driven league without enough good ones. Adding more playoffs teams basically means we’d consistently get to see the Trubisky’s of the world in playoffs. Count me out, I’ll start watching after the wild card round.
  23. I often wonder when Greggo became that way. His Buffalo Bills teams never seemed to play very dirty. I’ve always found that interesting.
  24. Now that the dust has cleared. I gotta say I don’t care much about this anymore, other than the fact it’s all pretty good news for the Bills imo. Rudolph isn’t suspended, Garrett is out, Pouncey misses some games, and who knows what will happen when these two teams meet in a couple weeks.
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