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Everything posted by HomeTeam

  1. Don't say that, I for one love the Packers and enjoy the conversation.
  2. Everyone just chill and be nice. The Bills, Packers and Browns have an unspoken bond.
  3. Awesome mock. Really liked the thinking behind the picks, made lots of sense.
  4. High level business meeting? Edit: just reading the comments now, you guys are too quick for me. Well played.
  5. For current and future GM's, we really appreciate when you write a short little blurb about your thinking behind your pick. This is fun.
  6. Fair enough, it's definitely a realistic pic. Raises an interesting scenario what would happen if the Cardinals don't take Murray- What teams would frenzy to move up and at what spot? But then again, no trades here.
  7. Are we sure he wanted this pick? He could of been just horsing around. Kind of important we get it right here.
  8. This is just disappointing that Rodgers would act in this way. While his talent is undeniable, if not the best ever (statistically speaking), this irrational behaviour tarnishes my image of him (if true- which we can assume given all the evidence over the years). Blame can go all around but you expect your quarterback to be the leader of the team. You expect him to be proactive in solving problems and creating a good working environment. I guess the argument can be made that QBs are not always the leaders of the team, even though you'd hope they were. Makes you appreciate Tom Brady that much more. Half the physical talent of Rodgers but twice the leader. That's why Tom is considered the GOAT and Aaron Rodgers is "just" a really really good HOF quarterback. I'm hoping he can do some self reflecting and develop some humility and turn things around because he's an exceptional talent. Hopefully, Josh Allen can be the guy because fortunately, his intangibles are off the charts.
  9. If things go according to plan, we don't expect to be picking in the top 10 in the coming years. This has to be BPA.
  10. Haha. My quarterback is soo smart. Your quarterbacks are useless!! My quarterback is soo wonderful. Quarterback, quarterback, quarterback.
  11. Well they are picking at 3, so they are by default going to get a highly skilled player. For some reason, an pass rush specialist scares me more than a DT. Edge rushers is a more highly rated position.
  12. While I hope this happens, I don't think the QB class is as highly rated as last year's. I'm just hoping that the Jets don't get their hands on one of the two premier pass rushers (Bosa or Allen). As someone stated on here previously his thoughts on the Jets, "I hate them" Haha
  13. It has not been so bad. Sure the product on the field has been bad, but I also enjoy the tradition of watching the games on a sunday, being falsely optimistic that this year will be our year, and the child like innocence of cheering on the Bills. Also, that week 17 Bengals Vs Ravens 4&12 to get into the playoffs was such an joyful moment! Those moments are few but worth it.
  14. xD It won't be long before order is restored my old it friend.
  15. Daam, I always forget about him. So true, I'm optimistic about him also ?
  16. For me, I only had the TV with the bunny ear antenna, so we would only get 3 channels. One of them being channel 9 CTV (from ON, Canada) and they would always show the Bills every Sunday. I began watching sometime during the JP Losman era. Sort of been a comfort thing to do on a Sunday ever since. Making the playoffs, and the way we made it a few years ago, was fairly special. I'm hoping we get some more great moments to cheer for in the near future. Go Bills!
  17. Just seen some highlight videos of him, looks legitimate. This WR group is missing a big bodied receiver who can go up and grab it. Josh Allen seems like the type of quarterback who would throw it up and give his guys a chance to make a play. All I know, there are going to be some great players in the second round to choose from. It will be interesting which direction they go. Ps. For those people comparing him to Kelvin Benjamin, Kelvin's 40 time was 4.61 and by the time he came to Buffalo I'm sure he was already a shell of that.
  18. Yav you're really banging the table for this kid. I love to see that. I have not seen much of him but I hope you're right and hope the bills take him.
  19. Fair enough, I'm sure that did not help but let's not pretend that's the sole reason why we got gashed. We need someone who can get in the backfield consistently/ generate pressure up the middle. Ed Oliver could be that remedy. ?
  20. Thanks you for this. We all need to be reminded again how bad our run defense was at times. That New England game was an atrociously painful memory.
  21. Oh this is fun! I'm sure we'll be revisiting this topic for years to come. As of this moment, I'm happy with Allen. He was the right choice for Buffalo. It's still early but I'm optimistic he can take us to the promise land.
  22. This is a great point, one which I agree completely. We need more blue chippers at impact positions. LT or D-line for me.
  23. Had a chance to watch the press conferences, here are some thoughts: -Really happy with the Morse pick, genuine dude, great communicator, overall very comfortable with him. - Beasley is going to make the entire WRs better route runners - Gore will provide some encouragement for Shady. Shady will feel young around Gore
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