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Everything posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. Three runs for 17 yards that resulted in two 1st downs and a TD is quite good for a half.
  2. He has thrown 3 long balls so far: * The first one was a PERFECT throw that forced the DB to tackle the WR or give up a TD. * The 2nd long throw was a great 50/50 shot down field that was on the money and only a half a yard out of bounds. * the 3rd long throw was a pass that a lot of WR's in the NFL make the catch on. Again a well thrown 50/50 ball 60 yards downfield.
  3. Come on that is the type of ball that aggressive, athletic WR's are catching EVERY WEEK in the NFL. That Allen put it where he could make a play on it and yet if intercepted wouldn't hurt the Bills is an example of an excellent throw - both physically and mentally.
  4. Beautiful deep pass on the PI call. If the DB doesn't tackle him it's a TD. Great throw.
  5. I suspect the Lions are focusing on taking two things away from the Bills offense: Deep throws and Allen running. So far Allen had done okay with the short passing game but the Bills conventional rushing game is already running out of gas.
  6. The Bills defense misses Milano. But it's also true that the defensive rankings are very misleading. This is not an elite defense by a long shot.
  7. Lions daring the Bills to run the football which makes sense given the situation. Allen accurate so far. the last pass was not an INT (did not have possession) and would have been the best catch in Rich Stadium this year had he controlled it. Bills offensive line is very bad.
  8. I agree as to the why he's getting yards my only point was that he takes off and runs in part because on 2nd & 15 (no gain run followed by a false start) he's desperate to get it to 3rd & 5.
  9. I hope you're right and they do have fresh legs. But in the passing game (protection & receiving) they would seem to be a big step down from Shady & Ivory.
  10. Good points except the last one which I think is wrong. The lack of a running game combined with to many 1st down penalties means we're in 1st & 2nd and long way to much. This put's pressure on Allen to try to get some of the yards back as a way to avoid 3rd & long.
  11. With McCoy AND Ivory out I wouldn't be expecting big things from Allen today. It's football 101: * No running game beyond Allen's scrambles means the Lions can get away with 7 in the box. Can you say Allen throwing 2 - 3 INT's into the face of a secondary sitting back for the pass? * With Shady & Ivory out do people think that screen passes and short throws to the RB's will be productive? I don't. * How about blitz pickup with Murphy & Ford? Don't yell at Allen if he gets a bit antsy in the pocket today. I suspect he'll be running for his life. * And how effective will Allen's running be, particularly in the red zone, with no conventional running game? I hope I'm wrong but man from just a common sense football perspective I see Allen struggling big time today.
  12. I would love it and it's done all the time in the NFL. Under the right circumstances, like a rebuilt O-line, Shady still has gas in the tank.
  13. This is why the last 3 games are so important. Sure they're meaningless from a playoff standpoint but they represent a chance for Allen & his receivers to get on the same page, make some big plays and ultimately learn to trust each other. For the WR's these next 3 weeks are critical as they have an unprecedented opportunity to show that they belong on the field next year. A good climax to the season would then be followed up by a great off season workout program between Allen and whichever of these WR's wants a long NFL career. As for the TE's, I'm not sure we can salvage any of them. I hope I'm wrong though because the less players on offense we NEED to replace the better for our chances over the next 2 years.
  14. If I was a Jet's fan I would like this outcome. Team almost won but lost and kept their top 10 pick. And all in all, Darnold looked very good.
  15. Damn, so we could have had Mahomes starting and Watson as our back up!
  16. Sorry, but in this game I've seen about 10 catches that Bill's receivers would have dropped. And if they dropped them we would be hearing that the ball was poorly placed by Allen. On the last Texans drive Watson benefited from 3 of those types of catches. I've also seen a couple of catches in which the receiver caught the ball just off the grass. The same play that Clay did not make to win a game. The gap between our TE's/RB/WR/s with respect to the passing game and pretty much everyone else in the NFL is huge. This is a #1 priority in the off season.
  17. I'm still amazed that our defensive game plan against the Jets was to NOT put pressure on their rookie QB. In how many games this year can you honestly say that a QB was not touched through an ENTIRE game? It's one thing for the Texans with Clowney & Watt to depend on their D-line to get pressure it's another one for us. I do think that the break helped both Allen & Darnold process information better.
  18. For what it's worth the Jet's crowd is lame today. I get being able to hear the LB call TO if the game was being played in Houston with their offense on the field but on the road? Pretty pathetic IMO.
  19. We'll never know who the Bills wanted between Allen & Darnold unless someone at one Bills Drive spills the beans. My understanding though, based entirely on rumor, was that the Bills knew the Browns were taking Mayfield and that of the remaining 4 guys they favored Allen. We do know they wanted Allen a lot more then Rosen and aggressively moved up to keep Arizona from taking Allen.
  20. Another NFL national broadcast complete with flags flying everywhere! So far Watson looks sharp and has all day to throw. Darnold helped out by his WR pick time on that 3rd down conversion. Jet's crowd seems subdued and there's a lot of empty seats. Absolutely that's why I made sure to say next year because this year he would get lit up trying to run that play.
  21. I would love to see the Bills employ the read option play next year. Used sparingly, it's a great way to get a running QB going.
  22. I think this list is as good as any with the caveat that I think McCoy will be the starting TB in 2019.
  23. Bingo! The one thing I noticed watching last weeks Jets game is how poorly Ivory & Murphy pass blocked. Shady can read defenses and has a sense for whose coming on the blitz. His ability to pick these defenders up is critical to giving Allen that extra second in the pocket to hit a play downfield. If McCoy can go he should definitely play. He remains by far Buffalo's most dangerous receiver out of the back field and his blitz pickup is heads & tails better then the other RB's.
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