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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. LOL, and now its Raw story. if its not some shady PAC, it's a site that's never even attempted journalism. but explains a lot.
  2. And what was that exactly? But this is why people post strawmen, so people reply to strawmen and the topic is changed.
  3. LMAO. and another PAC meme being the source. The funniest part is where that PAC was started by psychologist with severe TDS. That shot is already being called the clot shot all over.
  4. But yet putin never stepped foot past the disputed regions till trump was out of office.
  5. Thats nutz. Between the MSM, social media the Mask hole/Covididians were riled up to the point of stunting kids development in the name of "science" that didnt exist.
  6. at the very least its a divided DC so they can't ram through crap bills anymore. would love to see the power of the purse strings being used by the incoming house members.
  7. The comments on the videos are the craziest part. People are trying to rationalize it as surviving or "them companies have insurance", so Its all good. Then the MSM calls these companies racist or some other talking point, because they won't re invest
  8. yeah. something about replying to comments in narrative vs making a comment about someone. If this was AOC, she would say you got a crush or something.
  9. Just seeing that videos of the looting in buffalo yesterday and last night. It's trending on Twitter https://twitter.com/DeshmukhHarish9/status/1607285469049688067?t=R_xzPJ46imgq-FaJVUEH7g&s=19
  10. Epic seeing the left talk democracy and the republic while sharing war mongering Bill Kristols dreams of the state attacking the opposition to the establishment.
  11. LMAO. Anyone that didnt stand and cheer for that BS is good in most people's books.
  12. Omnibus is how they ram through pork and other BS. first omnibus bill was in 1999. An omnibus means DC is broken. they are supposed to do at least 12 separate appropriation bills each year. Maybe, just maybe this new house can see them go back to the house controlling the purse strings and separate appropriation bills. And God forbid. enough time to debate and read them. these omni bills are wrote by PACS and Think tanks. But then again. we got this cult of cheerleaders that just supports their team, no matter what. Its insane how profitable that lady got from grifting. Now she has a few other like "call to activism" that follow here same marketing game. (say crazy crap to get simps to buy her go fraud and "orange man bad" grift).
  13. not according to the article. In 1795, the United States was finally able to settle its debts with the French Government with the help of James Swan, an American banker who privately assumed French debts at a slightly higher interest rate. Swan then resold these debts at a profit on domestic U.S. markets. The United States no longer owed money to foreign governments, although it continued to owe money to private investors both in the United States and in Europe. but maybe I could find something on that amazing DNYUZ site. LOL "DNyuz is an Armenian website that plagiarizes content word for word from major news sources. They literally copy and paste entire articles and embed their advertising code for profit. As one can imagine, a source like this completely lacks transparency as there is zero information to be found about authors, owners, location, or mission." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/dnyuz/#:~:text=DNyuz is an Armenian website that plagiarizes content,be found about authors%2C owners%2C location%2C or mission. And is in line with the latest post on this thread.
  14. Milestones: 1784–1800 - Office of the Historian (state.gov) https://history.state.gov/milestones/1784-1800/loans According to that it was paid off in 1795. at least the French debt.
  15. That's all fact. But so is the fact that our asylum packages is more than the median income. And the current assylum case back log is like 5 years.
  16. the funny part is how Russia invaded uke in 2014. and from 2016 through 2020 Uke forces were attacking those regions. Then something happened and russia again invaded. Wonder why Putin didn't invade during those years, while that region was being attacked. the interesting thing about the border is it went from migrants to asylum. And as long as the USA Asylum packages are more than the median income in those countries, the pull is from here. and the last I checked. Ukraine is in martial law..
  17. I was so up in the air about this twitter story. but thankfully I watched MSNBC last night and changed my social media feed to only following corporate sites and PACS. Now I know all this twitter talk is a nothing burger by the usual racist/nazis/fascist/election deniers/ big lie, cult. its so blissfull.
  18. Not a win for the normies/poors that almost always end up on the wrong end of when said weapons are used.
  19. LOL, only in your head silly. the Lincoln project is owned by George Conway (grifter that will say anything, like his wife) ITs largest donors are: Stephen Mandel Jr, (founder of Lone Pine Capital) Gordan Getty MAJORITY FORWARD PAC. (Lefty group owned by the Tide group) who is owned by 3 503(4) that dont disclose Seems that money is owning you. Remember when the left used to rail against citizens united? seems so long ago as now you all champion it.
  20. Does it matter at this point. They are just as bad as the corporate dems, if not worse.
  21. Its funny how you all keep calling it a democracy. This all started with the euromaidan. not very democratic.
  22. When did they start this said war? you imply they are illegitimate? why? And both countries have recorded war crimes at this point. So the Euromaidan revolution was kosher? the Crimea revolution from the results of the Euromaidan are not? even with an election. But you know what. if we send the Ukrainians more weapons, I am positive it will result in those people's lives being dramatically improved. SMH America loves democracy, till the people vote the wrong way. then we love the coups. its kinda our MO at this point.
  23. I dont think they have gotten to the point to have the self-awareness to grasp the facts. they are still clinging to the MSNBC explanation and parroting as their own. When they truly get to cognitive dissidence, it might get violent.
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