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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. We dont need Pitt to lose...we just need to win. We control 2 seed now. 1 seed is pretty unlikely. But we could be home for entire playoffs if the dominoes fall the right way
  2. If only they didnt do the arbitrary 7th seed we could have a bye. But steel sharpens steel. Lets get this guys.
  3. Yeah forgot about those farts. So I think route is, win out, and hope Steelers lose 1.
  4. Yep, if we win next week and they lose we are 2 seed.
  5. I hear you, and no shade, but teams should be fearing us.
  6. Multiple teams over the years have indicated that their headsets would inexplicably be disconnected while playing at New England. Anecdotal, sure, but as others have said, where there is smoke there is fire. The Patriots are known cheaters and dirt bags. And they are out of the playoffs and in a rebuild. Enjoy it!!
  7. Like you...San Diego, Charlotte, Mt Laurel? You do know that not EVERY Bills fan lives in, or is from Buffalo, right? This fanbase covers the globe. I do agree with your screen name though.
  8. Jets are completely effing me today. I am in a last man standing pool (just have to pick one game per week and you can use the same team more than once). $2,700 to the winner...and I picked the Rams this week. I hate the Jets!!!!
  9. In no way are these games meaningless. If we win our last two and the Steelers lose just 1, we are the 2 seed. Which basically guarantees us 2 home playoff games assuming we win in the wild card, and an outside shot at a home AFC championship. This season isn't over at all.
  10. It sure does. Hopefully this is the start of many more years of this and maybe one day this will feel normal lol
  11. I woke up this morning and thought about the games on today and it's the first time in a LONG time where I literally do not care who wins or loses. Such a good feeling to be AFC East Division Champs and in the playoffs for the 3rd time in 4 years. I honestly don't care who we play in round 1...they're toast! Also, anyone remember what happened to Diggs' foot: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/12/19/sean-mcdermott-doesnt-have-an-update-on-stefon-diggs-foot/ Memory is pretty fuzzy after yesterday lol
  12. This made this awful year several ticks closer to amazing. Over the moon.
  13. I know it doesn't matter but garbage time TDs piss me off. Probably 3 or 4 games or more this year we have given scum bag nobody teams TDs at the end of games.
  14. That ties the NFL record for most players to catch TDs at 13 players.
  15. Allen on deck. 21-7 Bills at half. D pitches shut in 2nd half except for the usual garbage time TD.
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