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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. Ahhhhhhh 10 and 3, but our.... 2 point defense????
  2. Collinsworth already making excuses for Steelers. Expect nothing less.
  3. This Shazier piece is making me hate the Steelers less. Damn it!!
  4. Bills win tonight, Cleveland wins tomorrow...Bills in playoffs. Then clinch AFC East I believe with a win at Denver next Saturday. That would ideal!
  5. If you can live up to your screen name, can you just let us know if they end up winning it this year??? My nerves could use the rest!
  6. I mean refs are humans too...subjectivity probably creeps in from time to time. Certain QBs get the calls and at times, others don't.
  7. Lets go Indy! Just need that, a Bills win tonight, and Browns win tomorrow and we'll punch our ticket to the playoffs for 3rd time in 4 years!
  8. Never seen a more talented team trying to blow a game. STOP WITH THE DRAW PLAYS! Edit: wrong thread lol. Vodka and sparkling waters are flowing.
  9. All this time, and I never knew Google had a football team!!
  10. I wish the Dolphins would just go away. Really a big pain in the butt.
  11. The Chiefs will get rolling. Just seems who they are lately...play to the level of their competition but pull it out eventually.
  12. Same lol. I usually start pre-gaming around 12ish but if I do that today I will be comatose by tonight's kick-off.
  13. And if the Raiders lose that gets us one step closer to clinching the playoffs this week (need Bills win, Dolphins loss, Raiders loss, Ravens loss, and Pats loss (which already happened)). From https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-playoff-clinching-scenarios-for-week-14-of-2020-season
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