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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. D is playing well. Tall task to ask for back to back goalline stands. O needs to finish this drive and tie this up. 7-7 is a new game.
  2. Weird game so far. Lets hope we can stay healthy and finish our next drive.
  3. Running is fine but hope we don't try to become a run first team. This current iteration of the team ia clearly built to be a passing team.
  4. I am not nervous for tonight's game...BUT, I am somewhat indifferent/not pumped. I think its the whole Monday thing (i.e. no Sunday routine). I'm sure once the ball is kicked off I'll be right in the thick of things.
  5. So spinning a football and looking at your opponent...15 yard penalty. Arrogantly stopping at the goal line, turning around, and taunting your opponent...no penalty. Got it. Hill is a woman beating pile of crap...but that is forgotten because the Chiefs are the new Patriots.
  6. I agree. I think our D NOW could have maybe slowed the run and taken away the explosive play.
  7. It certainly does seem that way. Always dudes running free.
  8. Collinsworth needs, yet again, another change of pants.
  9. The Chiefs losing (if it happens), for me, serves 2 purposes...drops them closer to us, and pisses them off going in to Dolphins game.
  10. How is that 3rd and inches? Seemed he got it by a yard at least.
  11. Not totally accurate. We won enough games to qualify. No such thing as backing in to the playoffs. If that Bengals/Ravens game had taken place in like week 2 in 2017 nobody would say they got us into the playoffs. It was definitely dramatic. But we got ourselves in.
  12. Did everyone know that he also played lacrosse in college!? Isn't that cool??
  13. I think at least the SF/Bills monday night game is simulcast on ABC. Not sure about the Bills/Pats MNF... EDIT: It looks like the SF game is on ESPN and ABC maybe because I'm in the local market (Rochester). I checked my guide for next week's MNF and its only on ESPN. Sorry!
  14. So is "we", the fans? Or the team? If it's the team, you kind of contradicted yourself.
  15. That's probably it. Damn, it was a game for a while...then over...then a game again...then just like that POOF.
  16. True, but the way the game has gone, the Ravens probably should have gone for it last time. They let the Steelers burn like 4 mins off the clock. Not that they would have likely gone down and scored, but its hard to score if you take your O off the field.
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