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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. That is almost impossible at this point (I know anything can happen). The Chiefs would have to go basically 1-3 over their last 4 and we have to win out due to the head-to-head tiebreaker in their favor.
  2. God I hope he can live up to your expectations!
  3. We got here because thankfully fans don't conduct the draft.
  4. This could be one of the better NFL weeks with the possibility of the Pats losing tonight, Dolphins losing Sunday to KC, Bills winning Sunday night. Huge Rams fan tonight. Hoping Donald blows up the Pats line all night.
  5. Almost exuberant and stubbornly-willful ignorance. I think for whatever reason, as we all know, Allen was so polarizing coming out of college that people who dug in on him being trash, in some cases, refuse to break off of that mindset, and even double down on it.
  6. He had another quote this year after I think the Rams game when asked about how he is able to bring the team down the field for a game winner and his answer was "I just want it...more than anything". He just has all the right pieces to be great. Couldn't be more pumped. God knows we deserve it!
  7. Uh-oh...if every one of those things happen...we'll "back in" to the playoffs because the Browns don't play until Monday night!!! This will be the new argument against people claiming we backed in, in 2017 lol.
  8. How many things did you break in your "house" when the Steelers lost on Monday?
  9. Allen is so self-aware. That I think is one of the biggest keys to being successful in life.
  10. Similar to the low-life Ravens fan last year right before our game predicting injuries for the Bills. Steelers fans are insufferable turds.
  11. That was a great moment. Guys just seem so tight with each other. To me, this is where "culture" matters...tight locker room, brotherhood, etc.
  12. My god I hate the all reds. Glad they are just getting it out of the way.
  13. I hear you. Just odd someone would create this thread....its akin to saying our water boy is our weak link. I guess we have first world NFL problems now lol.
  14. There were no mentions of donuts...so probably unlikely
  15. He has zero penalties this year. If you are going by past years, then lets just also say Allen is an inaccurate boom/bust player. Edit: @Ramza86
  16. So, after last night's game, and how amazing it was (basically an almost complete game), THIS was your take away?
  17. Man if we could get them to beat the Dolphins twice on Sunday, we could get the division with a win over the Steelers Sunday night!
  18. I was sold when I heard he was born. I just knew he would be our QB.
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