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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Ok fair enough.. I agree he had a poor game but has been pretty good this year.... don't know yet if its a case of one poor game or he cant fill that role..
  2. Is that the first time he has gone up against a big receiver?
  3. Oh I'm with you... I wouldn't do it for Green based on where he is at injury wise... Some people though seem to think that they have to do something before the trade deadline... even a high risk move like this one which I don't get...
  4. Bengals will probably get a third round comp pick for him if he signs elsewhere...so I would be a bit surprised if they give him up for one of the Bills late third round picks... But maybe a third gets it done.. still not sure Beane goes for it sight unseen this year before the deadline.. If he was back on the field its a different story but that seems unlikely.. https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/10/20/aj-green-unlikely-to-return-before-trade-deadline
  5. I think the honest answer to the question Wawrow poses is we still dont really know... I hope the Eagles bring their A game this week so we can find out one way or the other...
  6. Yep, that’s what it will come down to with Green... a bet.. I don’t think Beane gives up a Second (or more) on that bet..
  7. Yeah it does but an injured Green won’t do much to help..
  8. Apparently Green won’t play before the deadline... What should Beane roll the dice on him for? A second?
  9. I actually suggested the Bills trading for Sanu in the realistic trade you would make thread, but a 2nd? Come on..I suggest if the Bills has given a 2nd you wouldn’t be happy..
  10. Im assuming the Jets fans have stopped laughing about Allen..
  11. I cant because they aren't available, and if they were they would cost more than Beane would be willing to pay... So unless we get one of them in the draft maybe, but might be hard picking 28...
  12. At $9M per year for 3 years he looks to be another astute signing from Beane..
  13. They need another WR if Duke is injured... Might have to trade for one..
  14. Firstly.. I didn't bet the Bills to lose.. I bet them to win by less than 17 which ultimately happened... I am a Bills fan, but that's not going to stop me having a bet when I see what I feel is a ridiculous proposition like this line.. I think there has been some over rating of this team going on, and its even reached Vegas...
  15. lets hope no one gets injured then Joe in this last 90 seconds with the game being over and all..
  16. Make us sweat an onside kick right to the end of the game.. Bills are going to Bill...
  17. Half time adjustments.. Is it a thing in Buffalo? It better be this week.
  18. Agree with the board part Some people have been carrying on like they are the Patriots just because they beat the Titans and Bengals by a couple of points..
  19. I’ve gambled my left nut on Dolphins +17... It just seems like too much..
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