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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. .....maybe, if one don't mind all the homeless hanging out by the public changing/bathrooms and begging at so many of Cali. more crowded public beaches near L.A. Don't see that in Alabama's Red Neck Riviera.
  2. My Dad and his pals had 4 season tickets to the bills in the 60's and from from 1965 through 1972 I went to at least one game a year then. In '73 when the new stadium was built their wives wanted to go because it felt safer to go again, so I was out.
  3. Never been to one. But I prefer the comfortable white sandy beaches in Al. on the warm Gulf waters than the hot sand and cooler water Pacific ocean beaches in Cali. But, no doubt California's are huge, attractive and definitely worthwhile.
  4. Neil Young made an album Zuma because he lived on that beach in Malibu. I never got to there but have been on other beaches near there. I've been to Alabama's Gulf coast beaches and they are much nicer in my opinion, but not sure if Skynyrd ever sang about them. That's all I got on this debate, except that I've seen the original Ronnie VanZant Skynyrd twice and Neil Young three times.
  5. My kid deferred a job in San.Fran because of what they saw. They had a new found appreciatation of their lawyer gig in N.Y.C.
  6. I'm guessing you're speaking from your nose .
  7. In spite of chicken little Tiberius edging closer to the edge over gas prices, Obama has the highest average price of gas of any presidency in history.
  8. Seeing Mrs. Pegula waving the early '80's Bells supermarket sponsored retro BIlls 8in.green whammy weenie be pricelesss and precious.
  9. That Royale w/Cheese never used the word "if" in his prognostication impressed me most.
  10. Like Musks SolarCity scam this will fizzle out.
  11. .....and maybe they'll ruffle your hair, give you an "attaboy" and a sucker to go too.
  12. Newsflash Sarsaparilla: Hardware stores in 2018 aren't fuzzy warm sunshine and lollipops places.
  13. What if It would of, could of, should of...... ......but it's not as ridiculous as the antiquated notion of this thread.
  14. .....totally believable. Obama was so far out of his element when he was elected President. He barely had a clue about Chicago when he was elected a U.S. Senator.
  15. Hardware stores are the least of your concern.
  16. That is quite the cantankerous burr you have in your saddle. No hostler can help you with that.
  17. My advice to the fan advisory board......disband it.
  18. ....so says Johnny who apparently loves hammering his "stick". My Aunt & Uncle owned a furniture store on South Park near Tifft when I lived near there and my grandparents owned a deli a further down on Ridgewood and S.P. We split time going to church between Holy Family and St. Ambrose.
  19. You're the 1st to be interested in that since I've been in here. Are you a connoisseur of flatulence of others ?
  20. "What does the phrase "The Good Old Days" mean to you ?" Living in an apartment near Tifft and South Park in the early/mid '60's going to P.S. 29 and having to walk there and back, including home for lunch. Moving, as a soon to be teen to a 1st tier suburb to a house that seemed not much bigger than the apt thinking it was the end of the world. I was wrong There were always kids to play/ hangout with no matter the weather. Both male and female. Then I left high school in '76 and had to make real life choices.
  21. ......any city in the U.S. where Liberals choose to congregate and live ?
  22. Me only drivers, public rudeness, ignorants with faces buried in cell phones are now the majorative norm and those unaccepting of it are deemed the idiots.
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