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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Less of NAFTA and TTP would help more. Unskilled Immigrants flocking here is only burdening the U.S.
  2. Gee....maybe if more people worked there be more contributing to S.S. ? Gee....maybe if the young healthy being handed S.S.worked instead would help S.S. ? But according to the Left, that is not in Trumps mindset for bringing jobs back to this country.
  3. ..... heard Jonah Hill been getting ready for the part: However Josh Allen's career could go, Jonah Hill can play him looking like a loser or a winner.
  4. Rumor is it's going to be a Pegula Sports Entertainment production directed by Kim Pegula.
  5. .....yeah, this is a place where fighting at for whatever reason is acceptable. ?
  6. Bengal love ?.....well, they are an endangered species. Meow !
  7. ......due to demand, it's getting to be hit or miss with many of the longstanding quality WNY wing institutes.
  8. For starters, and you make a good case for the point here....tolerating dissenting lunacy.
  9. The one of the three who respects and responds best to the process come Sept. we are led to believe. .....though, it's probably more like guessing behind which door is the best prize.
  10. I feel about the Buffalo Bills now about as much as how they feel about me.
  11. Everyone should self pardon, like Superman does: .....it's rude not too.
  12. Success is not measured by wins and losses but how the process is executed.
  13. Living in Liberal governed New York or California be the best examples in the U.S. In 2018 of that query.
  14. Give it a rest. It's been beaten into the ground since the draft already. I can't be the only one tired of hearing about Allen's accuracy issues.
  15. You can hear a better level of "expertise" in a bar than what Murphy is often expounding on.
  16. Just glad I was able to enjoy sports when all sports talk was about the game and how players played it.
  17. Mrs. Pegula gave local sports fans the best present so far this year. No more of him: HBD and thanks Mrs. Pegula !
  18. Tens of millions in this country have no idea what Hawaii's going through, but, on a daily basis, know about every Trump related report by the media. ......it's all media,
  19. One of the joys of my youth was watching hit movies in the summer at the drive-in, first with my family and then as an older teen with a carload of friends.....just saying.
  20. Putin Bay ???? Just more fuel for the LW Russia/Trump conspiracy.
  21. Players are paid on past performance and assumed potential. When the assumption fails to come to fruition is when the contract looks bad. The old word play on assume will always loom large in $ports.
  22. Hands down the '80's most loathed song and group at their peak:
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