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Everything posted by ngbills

  1. Definitely not a good time up for the playoffs. Despite playing the perfect team for that.
  2. We could be down 14-10. Haha. And jets get ball to start…
  3. Those are not due to wind. He is just miss kicking it. Get a new punter for playoffs.
  4. This is the bills season in a nutshell. Another game that should be 24-0 is 10-7. If this is who shows up in the playoffs it’s hard to see winning.
  5. Pats lose and we win it’s either chargers or pats only if chargers lose.
  6. NE has been so overrated. That is the match up I have wanted. But they lose looks like we may get the Chargers.
  7. Some truth to this but there is also the match up thing. We may be able to beat every team in the playoffs except IND due to the bad match up. So say we avoid IND in round 1 and they lose to CIN. We then beat NE, TEN and KC/CIN to go to the super bowl. But if we play IND round 1 we are one and out. That is not unrealistic.
  8. CIN still beats this CLE team most likely. They have already packed it in. I think I prefer 4 over 3 anyway. Do we want to play NE and then @TEN, or IND and then @KC? The NE and TEN route seems like the preferred road to me.
  9. NE is the easiest match up in my eyes. Indy would be the worst. LAV or LAC are unknowns - would be more worried about LAC than LAV. Guessing it will go: Bills v NE CIN vs IND KC vs LAC If IND or LAC win then we are playing KC or CIN If KC and CIN both win we are playing TEN I will predict KC wins and IND beats CIN So IND plays TEN and Bills play KC Bills beat KC again and get a rematch to avenge the loss to TEN/IND
  10. Its called passer rating. Not player impact rating, all around rating, how good is he rating. It was really to weird performance. Bad throwing the int's and ultra inefficient, thus low passer rating. Yet he made huge plays with his legs and on a number 3rd/4th downs when needed.
  11. Don’t get it with him. He does not have good vision and does not look as fast as advertised.
  12. That is why. No business being a this type of game and it is a trend with this team that is holding them back.
  13. The red zone offense is such a struggle. Still don’t get the refusal to run simple slants. Slant and corner combo with a guy running underneath.
  14. Weak list. Hester? Guy was good but there have been a ton of Devin Hester’s. Willis was good as well but a short career and nothing earth shattering.
  15. Didnt we just lose a guy off the ps as well? So should have some spots open if they want. Maybe to add second punter and kickers due to covid potential...
  16. This is slightly misleading. The draft is not the current value of a player only the initial expectation. We have at least mid-level talent on offense and I think before the season started many would have ranked it much higher than mid-level. Diggs, Beasley, Sanders, Davis, and Knox was previously touted as one elite groups in the league. Dawkins and Morse are two of the higher paid OL in the league and Williams is also up there. So they may have not invested heavily in 1st round draft picks outside of Allen, but that does not mean the talent is lacking. Plus they have used 1 2nd and 4 3rds on offense the last 3 years. Not to mention we have only had 3 first round picks the past 4 season and one was Allen.
  17. Great win, but... The but is that we are better than that. The Pats had no business being in it down to the final minutes. We had zero punts, zero turnovers. NE had 2 turnovers, 3 punts. NE was 1-10 on 3rd downs. The difference between this coming down to the end and being a blow out was two things. Both that need to be fixed for a long playoff run. 1) Red zone - got some td's at least but still struggling once getting to the NE 10 yd line multiple times 2) 4th Down D - NE converted 5 of 6 4th downs to keep drives alive.
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