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Kwai San

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Everything posted by Kwai San

  1. Yeah but even the godlike Brady doesn't routinely toss 500+ yards a game....as I said - WE NEED A QB.
  2. Not for nothing but that game we just watched was kinda waaaaaaay outside the bell curve of actual games played. Now having said that YES we need a QB who can get the ball out and down the field. On that we agree......
  3. LOL - I will be next to you holding the matches.....no not freaking out at all......sorry for not catching your sarcasm.....it is late, I won my pool for some decent $$, I am in my cups AND I am from Philly but a HUGE Bills fan but so so so happy the Eagles won....no worries...again - sorry for missing the obvious sarcasm. Seriously how can you call that game the worst match up ever??? Did you watch the game at all??
  4. Personally I am confused by this whole thread........first we have a LAMP post - then we have an well of course thats not what I thought but what I wanted you to think deal.....WTF?!?!?
  5. Nice to see you realize the city isn't burning to the ground......holy crap - can you even begin to imagine what would happen in Buffalo should they ever win a SB? Bills Mafia will be jumping thru more than just tables at that point. Take a chill pill and realize what just happened - I realize you have an obvious dislike towards Philly but be real here - put yourself in their shoes......I been a 22 year season tix holder and been to more than my share of tailgates events like every freaking sundee for 22 years - Buffalo would be doing the same and more. I would not expect less.....
  6. All I want to know is this - for 15 years I officiated both college and HS football - the ball crosses the plane of the end zone you have a TD....for some CRAZEEE reason the NFL no longer sees that. Rule Book musta changed!!!! Second call was STOOOOPID long in review. Riveron needs to be neutered.
  7. And the grass is green......Fred had his moments as a Bill - for whatever reason - maybe CTE he has become the HUGEST Pats fan.....never quite understood it but it is what it is.
  8. High level meetings take time man.....he will chime in soon enough.
  9. Wow - condolences to the Jackson family......this DWI stuff isn't taken seriously enough.
  10. Sorry brain fart - thanks for the correction.....doh! O-Line dude - O-line and the fact that they stack 8 in the box cuz they knew TT wasn't gonna beat em......hard to be Thurman when there are more opponents in your face then team mates....
  11. Well it was as Shady called him the short fat man who traded him so it was more on one person than the entire organization. But I agree - no way I would trade Shady......too much fun to watch him....now if the O-Line would/could block like the Electric Company, ALL the time he would top OJ's yardage in a single season...... Kiko hardly hits......nuff said
  12. I too have that same poster, with all the tixs from that game framed into it too.......the jests tix looks like it went thru the washer!!! I was dumb enough to pass on buying that slice of history......dumb dumb dumb.
  13. Thats kinda bold.....would be pretty funny if it happens tho.......hero to zero.....damn the NFL is tough.
  14. Yeah but it they move on from Dez....doubt it....who is tossing the ball? Yeah I know it will be Dez.....
  15. Another one....diff person. DAMN I WANT THE PATS TO LOSE!!!!
  16. I could see this working in his favor.....BUT - which team/QB???
  17. Thanks man! Your screen image is the very pix I am talking about too!! What a day that was......I had this STOOPID foam finger that my wife screamed to me to give her as I took off down the stairs to get my ass on the field.....I was no kidding on the ground on my hand and knees and tons of people milling around at one point thinking this ain't good - all of a sudden this dude the size of a NFL Lineman just picked me up - man was I happy! Oh and the Foam Finger? Made it back in one piece much to the amazement of my now ex wife. Man those were the days!!! I will never ever stop watching and rooting!!! GO BILLS! OMFG!!! THAT was hilarious!!!
  18. Some of you like her - some of you loathe her - but bottom line the message is right on. Just Beat the Pats!
  19. Cool interview for sure......nice to see some Bills getting the love!
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