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Everything posted by Motorin'

  1. I mean, he could end up being that guy in New England that talks about Josh Allen and what the Bills do to the Pats for the next 10 years...
  2. Earlier this week the Taliban learned that Afghanistan's federal reserves are frozen at the NY Fed. And now planes are being allowed to leave Kabul with Americans on board. We have all of their money.
  3. Before last season, I couldn't see myself ever voting Tom Brady in a "who do you hate less" poll. But I have to say, there was something a little satisfying about him sticking to Belichick and then the Chiefs.
  4. Yeah, cause Bills fans with BBFS don't get that clapping after a bad play is a way to recenter and focus on the next one.
  5. I can believe that. I wonder if it's just sitting vacant?
  6. I never want to think about those years again!
  7. Yeah, I'm not a musician, but I edit video professionally. It's a rough sketch of an idea I couldn't get out of my brain. I found a metal singer online to do the Buffalo chant. His music sounded really good, very good voice. Turned out to be from Italy, so that's why it's sounds like that... Lol... With the right vocalist it could work well... Hands down the atmosphere at Anfield for Liverpool games can not be matched. It almost seems like a religious experience, and those fans have a way of willing their team to victory that is unrivaled, imo.
  8. I heard Sean McDermott already packed his bags and moved to LA for the Super Bowl. He said there's no need to prepare for games 1-17. That's his M.O. It's a short season. Winning is easy in this league. Who needs to trust the process? Every game is the same. Last year's outcome guarantees this year's success. Focus smokecus.... But seriously, the last thing I'm worried about is McD's team doing anything but focus on each and every opponent. Sean has this Bills team prepared for success and the national spot light.
  9. A heartbeat does not make a developing set of cells a human being. At the minimum, until the developing cells in and of the woman's body reach a point of development in which it can breathe and live on its own, it is not a separate biological entity endowed with its own inalienable rights. Roe and the subsequent SC rulings that clarified a woman's right to choose, found that the right to decide for oneself when life begins rests "at the heart of liberty." How a society determines its laws are always based on beliefs. Religious beliefs answer the question "when does life begin." And people who take those beliefs to guide their life are 100% within their rights to practice those beliefs. Science can not answer questions like, "when is a developing fetus a separate biological entity from the mother? Or, when is a developing fetus endowed with full rights and protection under the law as an individual human being?" Those are ontological, ethical and legal questions. Ontology, ethics and legal theory ought to be informed by the most up to date scientific evidence. But science can not, not should not seek to answer philosophical and ethical questions. These are not the type of scientific questions that can be answered by the scientific method. At the same time, based on the US Constitution, religious beliefs that provide answers to these difficult questions can not provide the basis for US law... So Texas is playing politics with a tenuous scientific assertion, that once a developing cells has been found to have a heart beat the state must protect the inalienable rights of the individual. Unfortunately that assertion fails to consider all of the scientific evidence. The developing cells at 10 weeks with a heart beat cannot breathe on its own. It cannot live on its own. Ontologically, it is not just dependent on the mother for life, it is not a separate human entity. Not until it has to capacity to live on its own. And the Supreme Court has been very clear that a woman has the right to choose what occurs in and to her body... Texas is going to lose badly... FYI there is no contradiction in holding religious beliefs as one's own while simultaneously holding the belief that the government can not use those religious beliefs as the basis for law.
  10. You have a habit I've noticed of finding flaws in bad arguments and then applying the consequences of those flaws in other contexts in which they do not hold. The argument that the Civil War was not about slavery bc it was about states rights is as bad as the argument that the Civil War wasn't about states right bc it was about slavery. The Civil War was over the south's assertion that state rights supercede federal law in general, with the practice of slavery being the major issue the south asserted it's right to. The South lost. States do not have the right the enact laws that disregard federal law.
  11. Texas is going to lose badly. When the dust settles, Texas is not going to be allowed to pass laws that they absolve themselves from being responsible for.
  12. What, we won't be getting a doctorate in medieval dialectics after reaching our 100,000th post? What a rip off!
  13. I hear ya. And that's a symphony recording of the Jaws theme.
  14. Just playing this logic through. So if there are states that haven't repealed their anti-homosexuality laws, or their anti-race mixing laws, they could in theory follow suit and pass laws that make being gay or dating outside ones race punishable by civil suit. And an army of deputized citizens could roam the land looking to sue anyone they think is gay or dating or dating outside their race... Realistically, Texas is asserting that the law of the land doesn't apply in their state. We fought a war over this principal.
  15. You mean Jaws? Idk man, the Bills used to play the Jaws theme song for the kickoff. I thought it was interesting that they are in the same key. What I posted is just a rough sketch of an idea.
  16. That's kind of why I thought, "Let's Go Buffalo!" To the melody could be really cool.
  17. I was really bored earlier in the summer, so I had this idea of mashing up the old Jaws theme that used to play at kickoffs with the newer White Strips. And then had an idea of making a Let's Go Buffalo chant to the White Strips. This is mostly a rough idea, and it's not me signing fyi: Something like this could be really cool for kick off. https://vimeo.com/564727180/3578629b62
  18. Yeah, I did. He said he would be looking to move his mother closer to downtown Buffalo where he'll be working. I also had a family member with dementia that I helped care for many years. It's a long road, but there's also moments where you're reminded to slow down and appreciate the good days. Hope you guys have a good weekend with family and friends.
  19. North Buffalo might be a great place to look. Just did a little research myself, and the city of Buffalo's property taxes are nearly four times less than the burbs. Talk about bang for your buck.
  20. I think Beane's probably gotten rid of sinkers, floaters and a few skid marks in his day.
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