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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. I don’t agree with this assessment. I think most people looking at articles from the Buffalo news wanted to read up on their Buffalo Bills & Sabres without having to choke down the visceral disgust Sully splattered over all of his pages. I get it if it was once once in a while if he truly disagreed with something. But it became old and tired. He bashed things when they stayed the same, he bashed things when they changed. He became the equivalent of the terrible polical uncle you had to ban from Facebook. Maybe some people still clicked those pages but me and most people I knew saw Sullivan and skipped right by. Wasted paper. He didn’t see a story and think how can I get this to the public, he looked at it and said how can I destroy this and piss people off. Thats lazy hack writing. He should go to tmz.
  2. Teams are always looking for an edge to land the “big fish.” Even if most of the teams decided to only sign free agents to performance based contracts there would always be those outlier teams that didn’t and attracted the biggest free agents.
  3. We have to spend like 45 mil dead money this year. We don’t have anything left.
  4. Could anyone here imagine owning “trust the process” cornhole boards? Gag me with a spoon.
  5. Our best kick return ever accounts for zero points..? Hmm.. does the term “Billsy” work here?
  6. Obviously we would need to put some serious cash into the stadium, but people are acting like it’s gotta be a new stadium or bust. I don’t agree. And don’t you dare use street fighter against me!
  7. Who ever said new era didn’t need work? You just creating conversations? “Facts, facts, facts...” I can play play this game too, bananas are yellow, saying they’re not it flat out wrong! Facts, facts, facts!
  8. Autism? I’ve known some folks on the spectrum, never worried they were going to throw dumbbells at me. Maybe a little too early for a diagnosis, doc.
  9. Funny we don’t hear that about Lambeau. Lambeau is somehow considered historic while New eras considered garbagetopolis prime.
  10. Cream doesn’t always rise, not even close. Most teams in this league don’t do player for player trades. Some never will. We traded a struggling Kelvin Sheppard for an extremely disappointing Jerry Hughes. Think about how many players never got dealt to a suitable system, how many guys that could of blew it up never getting their shot. Happens way more than you think, whether it be system, compatible players, inept management. As much as skill matters luck plays as big if not bigger a part. Time and place means everything. Especially in a team game like football.
  11. Tough to say. If Deonte didn’t happen upon the Bills and have those ridiculous games does he sign with the Cowboys? If he shows up on a team that has enough wrs ahead of him he may never make the field and show what he could do. Two part question... 1. How many teams give their undrafted free agents a chance to start? 2. Of those teams how many have a qb that passes to them?
  12. We didn’t have a qb. Wouldn’t have mattered. He’d probably be on another team or out of the league by now. Weird. Made my post and then looked two above it. Way too similar.
  13. You’re right, I should be more like Rodney Dangerfield and make wife jokes to appease the old folks like yourself. Jumpy, sensitive, and confused? You got that from a dumb joke on a message board? That seems completely logical. You seem like a very well put together human and don’t jump to irrational conclusions at all. I’m sure your family is safe to be alone with you. Nope. That can’t be it.
  14. Wow... you must be the type that actually whine about duplicate threads. It was a joke. Obviously there’s no duplicate threads, there shouldn’t be one thread!
  15. Man I’m so sick of duplicate threads. This is the third thread posted about that movie today! God forbid use the search feature.
  16. Ah yes, the rural city of Buffalo. We just added a larger horse trough in the front of our general store. This is an exciting time.
  17. You know the best way to get ready for an nfl game? Play in one. I mean why bother with training camp or any rookies at all? Let’s just get a team full of old vets that have experience in real games. Sitting on the sidelines teaches you one thing, how to sit on a sideline. Let me reiterate. If you win in training camp, you win the right to play in the game. The ONLY way to get in game experience!
  18. Exactly. The flip side of this is some teams having the ride or die mentality with playing the qb you spent a high draft pick on even when he’s been outperformed by a backup. Its backwards thinking. You should play play the best qb on the team regardless of draft status, youth, etc... if a guys ready I think you could actually set him back in his progression sitting him. All you’re really training them to do is be a backup.
  19. I’ve never understood the reasoning behind making a player wait if they’re the obvious winners in training camp. Its an archaic way of running a team. There’s no set blueprint. Some players benefit from sitting, some don’t. Forcing a player to sit “just because” it’s myopia at its finest. If you win the job you should play.
  20. Still missing the point entirely. I was making fun of the people that were putting down Streater. I shouldn’t have to explain this, anyone with a half a pea brain knew that was sarcasm and I don’t actually think it’s dumb to hope a player that showed promise will play well. It’s not my fault you don’t understand it. Do all jokes go soaring a thousand miles over your head, or just the sarcastic variety? Enjoy your day, hopefully no one makes any jokes you can’t grasp or you’ll have to get a whole aloe plant.
  21. Not very quick on the uptake, huh? I was making fun of people that were putting down the op’s premise of the thread.
  22. I want really sure if it amazed you until I saw that it “literally” amazed you. Thats a a decent amount of amazement.
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