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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Yikes. We did not come to play. Browns look like they’re playing their younger brothers.
  2. I am also hoping the players on the team we are fans of perform well!
  3. I think so. Much in the way that a good row contributes positively to a camp battle, or a hockey game. Let them play!
  4. And I’d wager more than 90% of people that wanted Allen had no idea why they wanted him outside of the media touting his good old boy persona, prototypical bod, and cannon arm. What does all of this matter now? Allen’s a Bill. We’ll all be cheering the same amount when he’s out there.
  5. Playing Allen now would be akin to eating undercooked, nicely spiced sausage. Im sure it would taste good now but it would eventually make you sick and could potentially kill you.
  6. I’m not talking about players. I’m talking about “realist” fans. Realism doesn’t = pessimism. And to your point, you sound like someone I’d never want to be at a party with. You’d probably ruin our first Super Bowl wine explaining why we shouldn’t have won and how we got lucky. Blah, blah.... Its football, it’s supposed to be fun.
  7. Who’s asking you to have confidence? Who’ asking you to do anything? You can still look at the game objectively and say it’s a positive for our team. Saying otherwise isn’t “real”, it’s pessimistic and an outright lie.
  8. Meh... I agree calling plays probably isn’t easy walking on as a 20 year old but I’ve got to say I expected to see something play wise. Outside of missed reads I didn’t really notice him. Nothing against him, I’m excited for him. I was just really hoping to see something tonight.
  9. Yeah, I feel like that’s the motto of most reasonable people. You still don’t see reasons to be encouraged? Realism is the practice of seeing things how they really are. Some people seem to think it means painting everything with a grey brush. I wonder if Patriot realists talk about how the Super Bowls they won are ok, but could’ve been better?
  10. Gotta say, I’m impressed. Yes, I know it’s PS. I don’t care. I feel better about the offense than I did the last few months. Sue me!
  11. I’d be into Allen starting and taking his lumps. If the D plays as well as last year I think we should still be fairly competitive. Im sure for every poor play he’ll have a nice one. He’s going to make mistakes but as long as we can get a few field goals and a td or two he’d basically be matching Taylor’s output. Taylor was safe to a fault. It would be nice to see someone willing to give a reciever a few chances to make a play instead of waiting to punt. Playing safe up a touchdown or field goal is not a winning recipe. That’s the coaches fault too. Hopefully Dabol’s a bit more aggressive.
  12. I’m assuming if we start out hot it will be because like last season was mostly because of the Defense and turnover ratio. If that’s the case I expect we’ll hear a lot of what we heard last year, “this style of winning is unsustainable.”
  13. B I get the thought behind this because he’s been in the league longer, but hasn’t he started like 4 games? I dont know if thays enough to label him the mistake free safer option. I actually think all things even we roll with Peterman to start.
  14. I’m in the same boat, kinda. I wanted the other Josh but I’m fully on board and willing to see it play out. After and during the draft I was fairly bummed but did an excellent job since then on selling myself on what Allen does bring to the table instead of focusing on what he may not.
  15. In my group this phenomenon happened mostly when we lowered the basketball rim and had slam dunk competitions. “Jordan!”, “Dominique Wilkins!”, “Clyde the Glide!”, even Spud Webb at one point. I’m assuming it coincides with a particular year they were all in the slam dunk comp.
  16. Yeah, disagree with Buffalo too. Every time I brought someone to a game and partied the weekend before they all had an excellent time. Some folks like to bash the area, pretty unwarranted in my opinion. Maybe they haven’t done much traveling to compare?
  17. Yeah, not sure they’d qualify as “nfl” cities as neither of them have nfl teams.
  18. Gotta disagree, been to Indy for work and my experiences have not been favorable. I don’t agree on Dallas at all. I think it’s a fine city, not sure it’s very underrated outside of the poster you’re responding to.
  19. It’s got to be Indy, but I’m assuming outside of the game Green Bay isn’t much fun. Ive been to Wisconsin and outside of normal bar type places I haven’t found all that much to do.
  20. Ha... no. Actually most of the anger is coming from anyone that doesn’t live in Victor/Fairport area. This is true but Sean had me submit to a search (cavity would have been too easy on a few levels) and empty my pockets on the way in and out. Nice house tho.
  21. Touchy, touchy... Seriously tho, it’s such a weird thing in these parts. Victor and fairport have this weird thing that they’re all elitist snobs, which hasn’t been my experience. And Greece, well almost the entire west side has this weird stigma of being the projects. Which any drive through that area I haven’t really noticed. I’m sure there are bad parts, bud there’s also some beautiful neighborhoods and houses. People need to get out there. Get out of their bubbles and get some fresh perspective. I get neighborhood pride or whatever but I’ve noticed people get particularly agro in these debates. Forget gated communities, Rochester’s one step from gated towns and villages.
  22. Who’d you hear that from? I want names, numbers, vin numbers, social security!
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