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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. That's not what he means. He means the Bills and Titans will each play home games there. The way it's worded can throw you off
  2. What about when he clunked his head against his teammates head playing street ball in front of his house when he was 12? He got whiplash, took 2 plays off and finished the game
  3. They should keep Chris Brown but replace Eric Wood with Gus Johnson so the booth can be an all out scream fest
  4. The NFL can steal money out of my bank account every day and I would still watch it forever
  5. Yes, I do watch the games. I've noticed all season long that Allen has taken a lot more deep shots than the past 2 years. I'm sorry, I'll correct myself from saying all season long. What I meant was since the bye week. They have changed what they are doing since the bye week. The offense was a lot more affective the first 6 games because they were running more of the shorter routes. They haven't really been doing it much since the bye week
  6. Then explain why Allen hasn't thrown the check downs much all season? This isn't about yesterday or routes being taken away, it's about an offensive coordinator drawing up plays where our WRs are constantly running too far up the field
  7. They have been doing it every week. Majority of plays have had every pass catcher on the field running 20 yards up the field. It's not Miami sitting on those routes. Those routes aren't really happening much anymore
  8. It happens every game and drives me insane
  9. No he doesn't. On some plays he does. But I can't tell you how many times yesterday watching the game with a friend whenever they showed a replay of almost any pass play, all WRs were running 20 yards or more up the field. It's causing plays longer to develop and making Allen throw more picks. Allen doesn't go from being a safe check down guy back to back years to just not giving a f*ck anymore on purpose. He's throwing more deep passes all game long because that is where the routes are on the field most plays and it's also causing 2 WRs to be in the same area of the field too often. Even the pick that went off Beasley's hands, Beasley was like 15 yards up the field. He usually only runs small 5 yard routes. Dorsey is the problem
  10. He's sending all WRs on deeper routes every play. That's not Josh's fault either. That's why Allen is a lot more turnover prone this season. Every play has 4 WRs running routes that are 20 or more yards up the field. That's on Dorsey, not Allen
  11. Roughing the kicker needs to be taken out of football. These players can't even try to block kicks anymore without being called for penalties. Ridiculous
  12. Dorsey's first 15 scripted plays next week Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb Bomb And when all else fails... Another bomb
  13. When they show the replays, there are never any routes within 5-10 yards
  14. It doesn't help when we're throwing the ball 20 yards up the field every play. Like there are no short routes and too many WRs in the same area
  15. Every pass route has every WR running 20 yards up the field. Dorsey is the problem
  16. This is why I always say, I would take a delay of game over burning a timeout always. Those timeouts are too valuable to use on just 5 yards
  17. Not sure what he said that was really bad. I don't think Watkins is wrong. In a way, if this is contract related, I think Lamar is being a baby about it. He wants a fully guaranteed deal. Maybe he should be a little more realistic with himself
  18. I was also 9 years old. Going on 10. Remember watching Tim Tindale run wild
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