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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. His timeout usage is his biggest issue and his loyalty to people is his other big issue but I do believe he is the kind of coach that can get us there. Things need to change. He is on a shorter leash in my opinion, but it isn't the point yet to do anything.
  2. There needs to be changes, no doubt, but he deserves at least another year or 2
  3. Ok, he's still only in his 6th year. How would you feel if we won it with him next year? Or the year after? Would that change your mind? And your point is? Andy Reid still has hardware and a hof resume
  4. You're assuming he peaked. Andy Reid went to his first in his 6th year in Philly and then finally won his 7th year in Kansas City. How many Philly fans after those first 5 years or in KC his first 6 years there do you think said Reid "peaked" at multiple championship games or a Super bowl loss?
  5. My mind won't be changed simply because you and other people think that all coaches only deserve 5 years with a successful team before letting someone go. Andy Reid, Tony Dungy, Bill Cowher. These are all HOF head coaches that won their Super Bowls later in their tenured but I would take any one of them including McDermott over firing him after just 6 seasons
  6. Tom Landry was fired after 3 straight horrible losing seasons. His prior super bowls 10 years earlier meant nothing at that point. Reid went to 5 championship games in Philly and one Super Bowl. He was still given another 4 seasons after that in Philly and then another 7 in Kansas City before he got it
  7. His timeout usage is a problem. Yes, we had a bad day. But he still deserves a couple more chances at least. Allen is here for the foreseeable future so we can give a little more time before giving another coach a shot
  8. I'm well aware of the talent the Bills have. Some coaches take that talent to a Super Bowl in 5 years some do it in 7 or 8, some in 10 or longer, the great coaches get there. What I would like McDermott to do is fire Frazier and get a new OC but I am willing to give McDermott a couple more year at least
  9. Who would you rather have, Andy Reid or Mike McCarthy based on track record?
  10. I acknowledged numerous times it took him over 20 years to win his first, in what way does that make you think I would go back to his 6th year in Philly when he clearly didn't win it then and by the way, if you fired him after his 6th year in KC, you may not get that Super Bowl he helped you win in year 7 or get back to it again in year 8 Marty Schottenheimer was 5-13 in the playoffs. McDermott is 4-5
  11. I meant 6th season as Chiefs HC. Pay better attention before telling me I'm changing my argument. My argument is not that it takes 20 years for a coach to win it all. It's that sometimes, even the greatest coaches take longer than others
  12. Yes, and who's to say McDermott won't do the same? Not saying he will but McDermott can very easily make some changes
  13. If you were a Chiefs fan, would you have fired Reid after his 6th season? Because he won the Super Bowl in his 7th and went to another in his 8th
  14. My argument does not fail in any way shape or form. The bottom line is its been 6 years with McDermott. It took a first ballot HOF coach over 20 years to win his first Super Bowl with multiple successful years prior. My argument is very much alive and kicking
  15. Why don't you explain what you mean if you have the balls to. Because you obviously a Supervisor can fire a manager lol
  16. You're saying McDermott has control of things, he does to a certain extent, he however has no power to fire someone with a higher title than him, only the Pegula's can do that
  17. No, I get what you're saying, you're not making any sense, you're basically saying McDermott can fire our GM, I'm telling you a HC cannot fire a GM. Not sure what's so hard about understanding that
  18. How has KC's defense been under Reid since he has been there?
  19. Yes, we do need to dump Dorsey and Frazier. But my point is, Andy Reid took over 20 years to get win one
  20. I didn't say Josh would be our QB all 20 years 😂
  21. No sh*t Allen isn't gonna play for 20 years, my point is, Andy Reid has had 3 mediocre QBs before Mahomes finally got him there after 20 years and won one. My point is, I still take McDermott over whatever else is out there at this point after what he has done for this franchise
  22. Do you think the Eagles said this every year of Andy Reid's tenure there? What about his first 5 or 6 years in Kansas City? He is a HOF head coached that took over 20 years to win his first Super Bowl. Relax
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