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Everything posted by jkeerie

  1. Considering that the Chiefs would be top competition for the number one seed, I highly doubt it.
  2. Exactly! I always thought Mahomes walks like he's clenching a dime in his butt.
  3. He's an incredibly good looking man. Love his smile. He's like George Clooney good looking. (Although I think Clooney is more good looking.)
  4. Speaking from the female perspective, Allen easily, even though he has those "boyish" good looks. Mahomes looks like a big, little kid. The sexiest in the league is Jimmy G, hands down.
  5. Don't assume. The Bills wanted to keep Kumerow on their PS but the Saints signed him. The Bills added Stills and Gentry for depth in the absence of Kumerow. Now that he is available again, it makes perfect sense for them to resign him. Remember, he also played on special teams. I suspect, Gentry will be the one let go when Kumerow is signed.
  6. I think Bienemy is their number one choice. That should make Watson feel valued. They can't officially announce anything until after KC is out of the playoffs. So the Bills need to do their part to facilitate that.
  7. We moved the ball on Saturday with a balanced attack. You have to at least offer the threat of the run. That also opens up play action. I'd like to see Williams active in this game. A bigger back that hits the hole with quickness.
  8. Chris Brown just reported on One Bills Live that Andy Reid in his morning presser said Mahomes is in concussion protocol.
  9. If the Texans are smart and want to go with a defensive minded coach, they should go with Eberflus. Weakens a divisional opponent at the same time.
  10. Winning yesterday helped. Teams don't want to wait until late in the playoffs for fear they will get shut out of solid assistants.
  11. In 2020 she has a 68.4% pick record. Her game theory gives Buffalo a 52% chance of winning. She predicts the score as 26-25 Buffalo.
  12. I think Daboll is a good OC, but I also think Josh has done more for Josh than anyone. He figured out how to improve his throwing motion etc. Add in Diggs...that was the game changer. I'd love to keep the band together, but I'm not worried if he leaves. Josh won't fall apart.
  13. I think many of us surmise that if Jimmy G is on the trading block, the Pats would be first in line. He doesn't scare me. They need to find a QB somewhere. I think I'd rather see Jimmy G than a promising draft prospect. We've seen Jimmy G and we know what he brings to the table.
  14. You know, I've been hearing more and more that owners and GMs are looking for "leaders of men." Saleh impressed you as that. Meyer has developed players in college. Who are the others that could fit that description?
  15. If that's the case might they consider Pedersen? Playing in the same division as his mentor may be a plus. Or would they be warded off by his handling of Wentz?
  16. I'm actually happy for this. Buffalo plays better when they are the perceived underdogs.
  17. I did watch the game and I'm just remembering my impressions. The first half we did play well, but it's the second half I recall most clearly, particularly when we got up by 14 and then let them score on their next two drives. As I recall, they scored rather quickly as well. We held Taylor in check, but not Hines.
  18. Forgot about that. So they played good in the last two minutes of each half. The rest of the game, they were pretty porous.
  19. Having Diggs and Davis is such an upgrade from McKenzie and Foster...albeit McKenzie has played well this year in his role.
  20. Watching this game, the Bills offense has grown so much since that game. The question on our defense is who takes the place of Shaq Lawson. He was great in containing the edge.
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