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Everything posted by Dawgg

  1. GREAT pickup by the Jets... goes to show how important a #2 running back is, even if you have a solid starter. I know everyone wants to run Travis out of town. Hopefully a viable backup can be found.
  2. Irked for seeing what the market bears? I'm sure he'll come back to Buffalo with the offers he has in hand to see if Buffalo can come close.
  3. What are you smoking??? He had an off year and never really got into a rhythm. Not to mention he was injured most of the season. Tiki Barber, Curtis Martin and Jerome Bettis all have had bad seasons in the past. Last year, Henry had an off year. Arizona isn't backing out because of Henry's sulking... it's because there are a ton of RBs on the market and the draft is deep with backs.
  4. Wow someone who makes sense for a change. All this talk about Travis being a locker room cancer is hogwash. Travis ran hard last year, he just had a bad season. It happens. Willis is a ton better, but having Travis as a backup isn't such a bad thing.
  5. Umm... That talks about his drunken agent walking into a bar and dissing the Bills. So that makes him a locker room cancer how?
  6. Problem is, Bills hold all the leverage here. They have to agree to ship him somewhere in order for a trade to be consumated. It would make little sense for them to intentionally piss the Bills off when they can send him to a team he does not want to play for. I think this is a case where the Bills are working with his agent to get a deal done. It is best for both sides. That said, they KNOW Arizona has no capable starting backs on their roster -- so why not try and cash in now?
  7. Wow. You are hilarious. Henry's agent is trying to negotiate an extension as a prerequisite to the deal. If a deal is in place, Arizona wouldn't let Henry dick around just so he can screw over his former team. I bet if Henry had his choice, he'd be out of here sooner rather than later. Not to mention, his $1.25M salary doesn't really play much of a factor in our ability to sign Pat Williams. Find a new conspiracy theory to paint Travis in a bad light.
  8. Curtis Martin, Stephen Davis, Marshall Faulk??? TOO OLD Kevin Jones hasn't proven a damn thing in this league. Staley and Dunn are injury prone and are not workhorses like Travis Thomas Jones sucks Ruben Droughns??? Based on what? A half a season??? My grandma can run behind Denver's o-line The rest I agree with but Henry is isn't that far behind.
  9. You have a very narrow perception of Travis Henry. His reputation around the league is that of a warrior, someone who plays hurt and someone who is capable of rushing for 1500 yards. Reports that he was a cancer in the locker room are in your head. In fact, he kept his mouth shut the entire season and only blew his top after the season was over. Now suppose you were right and Travis WAS a locker room cancer. Why the hell would Donahoe tell other GMs this, when he is trying to get maximum value for him in a trade??? If anything, he will speak nothing but glowingly about Travis Henry in hopes of getting as much as he can in return. Either way, your post doesn't make sense. You view Travis Henry as a journeyman who would be lucky to have an NFL job. NFL GM's view him as a former Pro Bowler who has proven he can rush for 1500 yards in this league, but has some problems holding onto the ball.
  10. It's called "security." As a running back, injuries can happen to anyone. Ask Willis McGahee. Instead of collecting a $10 million signing bonus as a top 5 pick, he had to settle for less than half that amount at the end of the first round (and that was after a miraculous recovery).
  11. I know you personally dislike Travis Henry, and that is fair. But to say this is a stupid move on his part is nonsense. In a situation where he has leverage, he would be supid NOT to take advantage of it. In this case, he has to OK the trade in order for the other team to agree to it because they don't want to trade for him unless he will suit up. This is a smart move by Travis (or his agent, or whoever) and anyone with common sense would do the same given the circumstance.
  12. First of all, Pat Williams will take a fair deal to stay with the Bills. I think if another team offered him $5M per season, he'd take 4 to stick around in Buffalo. He has a ton of ties there -- owns a body shop, his family is rooted there, he is an active member of the community. Not to mention, he absolutely loves Buffalo. All this talk of Ron Edwards is premature. I think Pat Williams is one of the most underrated players on this football team. He plays with fire... he is an intense competitor and from what I have seen, unlike many athletes, he actually gets pissed off when the team loses. He is a team leader and most importantly, he plays like his hair is on fire. Did you watch that Pittsburgh game? Even Ralph noticed, Pat Williams was all over the field. He played like he was possessed... and that's what I want on our team. Would I roll the dice and hope Edwards plays like that? Probably not. My 2 cents.
  13. Exactly. And football is especially different from other sports because the only thing that is guaranteed is the signing bonus and the first year's salary. After that, anything can happen. If the team needs to cut salary - WHACK... if you suffer a career-threatening injury - WHACK. For that reason and that reason alone, Pat Williams makes perfect sense looking for the best deal he possibly can. At the same time, he has made no secret of his desire to stay in Buffalo. He loves the community and has made a home there. But given this is his last chance at a long-term deal, he has the right to seek the maximum he can get. My feeling is that he is trying to fish offers from other teams so he can take it to TD and ask for something "fair." Not necessarily matching the ridiculous offers, but something fair. Pat will definitely give the Bills the last chance -- which as a fan is all I can ask. Antoine Winfield had no such interest as a free agent.
  14. Dude, easy on the use of the faces... i swear you abuse that $sh--!
  15. This is also his last opportunity to sign a long-term contract. After this, he'll probably retire... and who knows what can happen with sudden injuries, etc... It's totally reasonable for him to want to stay in Buffalo, yet at the same time try and be well compensated. He won't be earning a paycheck past the age of 40, so of course he has to look out for himself!
  16. Hell no. Josh Reed is slow, small, and unreliable. He has done NOTHING to prove otherwise. Kevin Johnson has had some very productive years in the NFL. Unfortunately, he has been stuck with Kyle Boller at QB in an offense that never uses its Wide Receivers. I was actually reading somewhere that many NFL pro personnel directors consider Kevin Johnson as one of the top 10 receivers in terms of "hands"
  17. I disagree. I think this is a very minor point and had little to do with the outcome of the Steelers loss. However, the point King makes (and he makes this relatively clear) was that this parallels a problem that many coaches have found with Drew Bledsoe: he is stubborn. It is virtually impossible to get him to settle for that dump off pass when the big play isn't there... all too often, he sits back looking for a big play even when instructed not to. Look at the Pittsburgh game when he fumbled the ball away for a TD. Same thing happened against New England. Bottom line, Bledsoe is stubborn. And that was the point the article was making. And as far as that assessment is concerned, I agree.
  18. Could someone post our home and away games for next year? thanks.
  19. I don't buy that. You can make excuses til the cows come home in the NFL. Injuries and player turnover happens all the time. But frankly speaking, even during his Pro Bowl year when Peerless, Centers, and Riemersma were on the team, his play dipped considerably over the course of the season. Since then, he has been average at best. For QBs like Drew, that's the tell-all story. It's always a matter of "if only he had a line" or "if only his supporting cast was better" or "perhaps the offense wasn't taylored to his strengths." To that, I say hogwash. At the end of the day, football is football. Drew not only held onto the ball too long (hello RJ?), he rarely to show up when it mattered most. He played great against bottomfeeders, average against middle-tier teams, and just stunk up the joint against solid competition. Not a trait I want in my QB.
  20. Yes, and I hate to say it but I'm glad that we lost to Pitt in that case. Another year with Drew Bledsoe at the helm would have further slowed this team's development.
  21. He deserves no more of a sendoff than Rob Johnson. Aside from a few games here and there, the Bledsoe experiment was a failure. Yes, his name brought credibility to this franchise, but to say he was a leader on the field and off it is completely assenine. He rarely accepted his share of the blame after a loss, especially when his poor play was a major contributing factor. His consistent stubborness in the pocket proved to be a death sentence for the offense and his "this is my team" rants were pretty pathetic. He had a great opportunity to resurrect his career, with coaches and front office personnel who were committed to him -- but he proved that he simply does not have it. I think Pat Williams (if he leaves) deserves a better sendoff than Drew.
  22. and what do I see on my second day in Rio De Janeiro? A Brazilian kid with a Rob Johnson jersey.
  23. Agreed. Milloy should have just kept his mouth shut. He came off sounding like a complete baffoon. It's one thing if you are criticizing Arizona or Cincinnati for not paying their players... but to criticize a team that has reached 3 of the past 4 Super Bowls... that's gonna make you look like an idiot. The joke's on you, Lawyer.
  24. Though JP being picked at 22 overall is a far cry from a McNabb, Manning, Aikman, Leaf, Palmer, Akili Smith, Tim Couch.... all of whom were selected among the Top 3 overall. The comparative investment differs by an order of magnitude.
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