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Everything posted by sleeby

  1. This is evidence as to why buffalo health care saw an uptick in depression and anxiesty related health visits after each of the four super bowls. Sakes people. Why so emo? It was never about this year. It was never supposed to have been about last year either.
  2. Not sure why so many are suggesting cleveland. Recent years records or tyrod hate? They have the number 1 drafted qb and ton of other picks - several year's worth. Tyrod is consistent and can get them at least 5 or 6 wins if left in all year. I'd say that's their floor. We won't see 5 wins.
  3. More good draft picks! Trade up as we have a lot of issues. WRs and oline to start with. Week 5 bills vs titans, oct 7. Could be one of the most meaningful games of our season. Lol.
  4. What I saw last night was jets receivers actually catching the balls thrown to them. It really makes a difference.
  5. You guys (mostly) wanted to end the streak and get your QB. You did both. So why all the emo carping about this season? It is what is. Call it tank, rebuild or process. Deal with it like grown men. Gosh. One would think we wpuld collectively have thick ass skin by now. Those bitching - do you really want about 8-8 again this season? 3-13 and growing would be better than another feckless 8-8. Tank? Nah. It looks like will work itself out. Go.with it. Always forward and never straight; or something.
  6. I agree with OP. I even want to n8 to start game 2. Let JA come in with no pressure and leave with confidence like he did yesterday. As for why bench TT last year likely because they were moving on from him amd wanted to evaluate in house talent. My question is why so little Peterman in the late games as that would have saved us time this summer; the answer is that everyone wanted 17 to jot he 18.
  7. Here's more positive news (of sorts) - going roughly 8-8 year after year sure got us no place fast and we shouldn't need worry about that happening this year. ;o)
  8. Our WRs can't catch the balls that are well thrown a lot of the time. QB I agree. . .the WR team is trash though. Looked no better than last year and we had traded our #1 and #2 WR 7 days before regular season started last year. Yesterday was shameful at that position.
  9. Because she's not a bills fan? Ha I remember the first four games of 2017 as being a lot of fun to watch our defense though. I think we had a +16 or +17 turn over ratio after only four games. Then our D fell apart and was junk for four or five games before ending the last half or so of the season as fairly ok.
  10. In the second qtr zay had a pass bounce off him. About a 15 or 20 yd pass right to his chest. Announcer said the defender blocked it but I rewatched and there were no foreign arms in there. Bounced hard off his hands else numbers.
  11. They needed to run a lot more yesterday. Saying the run game wasn't working makes no sense as the passing game sure as hell wasn't either and yet we kept at that. Anyone else notice the 15 yards pass to zay jones that bounced off zay's hands else chest? Second quarter I think. Announcer stated the pass was blocked but I rewatched a few times and did not see the defense get his hand in front of zay. Our eligable receivers look like they did last year - unable to catch. Hard to have a good running game with no passing game. Regardless of who our QB is those guys need to fix the basics. Too many simple but hard thrown passes get dropped.
  12. Cripes. How are you guys going to sound when we're 1-3 or 0-4 in a few weeks? Toughen up. How are you so thinned skinned after all we have been through? Quiz: We have a possible franchise QB right out of college with no oline and crap defense and butter fingers throughout the eligible receivers. Question: what is the relevant piece of information in the above sentence?
  13. No mention of CB Gaines here yet. They seemed to find him open for business in their first drive of the game and then picked that nit a lot.
  14. I'm not checking out. Today was fine. I didn't get rained on. I left the broadcast with warm fuzzies about JA's ceiling and future. And draft picks plus cap space are what the doctor is ordering. you guys seem all bent about this - if you actuallt thought the bills had a better than 10% chance of winning today - regardless of starting QB - then you're nuts.
  15. Because you guys all thought the number 17 was better than 18 when the numbers that actually matter in a rebuild are the draft order.
  16. Ha! You got jokes. Thanks for the laugh this evening
  17. That's not a strawman. 2017 was not a playoff year outside of semantics. They were moving on from tyrod amd it was a rebuild; they tested the telent pool. Power of hindsight - use it.
  18. *Why* did we not run the ball more? So many throws. And "the running game wasn't working" is not a valid reply as neither was the passing game. I laughed in the second quarter when the announcer mentioned the new bill's punter was having a great game.
  19. Huh? How many quarters did n8 play last year?
  20. They're hardly fascinated with Peterman - they're trying to not break JA's confidence and neck.
  21. I did not change much. Went from realistic about this season over the off season (6-7 wins) to pessimistic for this season (4-5 wins). The oline and defense caused that mostly. RB we improved on since last year. Maybe QB but way too soon to say that beyond fan speak. Going to be interesting to watch for sure. Last year we had a great D in weeks 1-4 and a record pace turnover ratio. They sucked in the middle of the season and then got good again. Seeing what the buffalo D looks like on Sunday is maybe as big a question to me as passing game. Beyond this season - high hopes. Cap space and likely decent draft spots and two young QBs developing. We'll see a playoff win within three seasons I'd bet and hopefully upward from there.
  22. He shouldn't panic - this is not our year anyhow. Just grow and learn and meld like a good stew's leftovers.
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