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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. We need points. I have zero confidence we’re gonna stop Stick if the games on the line.
  2. We need a big stop at the start of the 2nd half and start imposing our will
  3. Great drive. That early timeout was so dumb though. Should’ve taken it down to at least 30 seconds.
  4. We’re really gonna have our season ended by Giff Smith and Easton Stick
  5. They came into this game playing like we were gonna get the W handed to us.
  6. I wouldn’t be sure about that. There’s still meltdown potential here if we drop a game to Easton Stick and the decimated Chargers or the Patriots and miss the playoffs.
  7. I'd do it. Who cares, Pegs is filthy rich and this doesn't count against the cap. Right, he should be asking for the moon. I would easily pay him 3-4 times what McD makes to have him instead. Can you imagine him with Josh?
  8. I don't know if they've found a different alternative to Lincoln Station outside of Delilah's. Chicago really needed both because they both would get really packed. They're both fun with different vibes but I don't know what the status is on Lincoln Station. Sad because it was also a really fun place. A few Thanksgivings ago when the Bills played the Cowboys they were going to be closed but they opened for just the Bills game. The kitchen wasn't open so they actually just brought a bunch of food in and let people eat for free. We had already eaten an early Thanksgiving dinner so we just nibbled on a couple things but I thought it was really nice of them to do that.
  9. This is part of the reason the Dorsey disaster happened, because McD was never really open to anyone else. Interviewing a range of candidates to me is never a bad thing. Yes it does suck that many times it's not done with an open mind, but conceptually speaking it should happen. It's entirely possible that Joe Brady could be a good, but not the best coach for the job. We should always be looking for the very best. The other problem we're going to have with McD here though is if Brady finishes strong this year he might even get poached off that or after next season. And then what? We're in the same boat of our offensive fate hanging in the balance of who he hires because he's so clueless on that side of the ball? It's just a bad idea all around to move forward with McD.
  10. This dude is reckless. He occasionally has a good hit and a good play but he's a backup at best. I really hope they don't see him as some kind of heir apparent.
  11. Didn't love the playcalls on 2nd and 3rd and 3 with the run working. Maybe at least a little play action or something.
  12. I really just don’t see how a case could even be made for McD to keep his job if we can’t make the playoffs with our franchise QB starting all season when a couple of these teams might make it without their franchise QB’s.
  13. That's really sad, I remember reading about this last year. Takes a lot of strength to be smiling and fighting through all of that. RIP.
  14. I liked Telesco just cuz he did a reaction video to Draft Day
  15. Takes some guts to suggest BDubs to someone on a Bills board
  16. Haha if someone's being "trained" to be the replacement, it definitely shouldn't be Rapp.
  17. Not sure how anyone sees this as a break for us after the Bengals reserve O-linemen bullied our defensive line for 48 minutes in a playoff game.
  18. I was there and the ones I was around and even in the parking lot after were really pissed and kept talking about how they were robbed and we were gifted the W and this destroys the narrative that the refs ever help them out. It was pretty hilarious stuff.
  19. I would easily take that tradeoff. I don't know if you're wrong or right...but that would be insanity to bring him back, especially if we lose out. But I think it's nuts regardless. The guy just has no composure whatsoever in crunchtime.
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