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Everything posted by TFBillsfan

  1. I fully expect this game to be close as I never take a game for granted. I expect the Steelers offense to be better this year and more balanced. Hopefully the Bills are healthy for the opener and the starters are ready to go. Glad it’s a home game.
  2. I do hope we see some movement quickly with some of the players who have been waiting or holding out. It really could cost the team a win if they were unavailable to play or worst yet had to miss multiple games. The one enigma to me is Star. He opted to sit out last year but then doesn’t get vaccinated. Having a hard time understanding that rationale.
  3. 2010 was a horrible draft for Buffalo but then again it wasn’t surprising.
  4. I wonder if the Bills are exploring putting Rousseau in on FG attempts? With his height and arm length, you would think he might block a few. Especially on long FG attempts.
  5. No beef with the penalty. Smith should learn to slide his helmet to the side and it would’ve been 100% legit.
  6. What in the world was the penalty at the end of the quarter? They called #94 with leading with the helmet against rushing the OT.
  7. Have to expect Beane is working the phones regarding TE depth. Was hoping Sweeney would have a strong camp.
  8. Thanks everyone for your recommendations. Really appreciate everyone’s input. Based upon feedback, we’ve decided to fly back Monday morning. Worried I’ll be more focused on getting to the airport than truly enjoying the game with my daughter. Plus if there is any type of accident or delay, we’d most likely miss our flight. Lets Go Buffalo!
  9. Not good for Sweeney if he’s hurt any length of time. Curious to see what Beane does with the final roster. Addt adds or depth at TE, OT, and CB wouldn’t surprise me. Have to believe he trades someone for draft picks. One area I’m still “slightly concerned” is our return game.
  10. Hopefully they are an all around improved unit this year. Particularly with stopping the run and improved tackling. Honestly, I’ll be surprised if our pass rush improves this year. I’m not counting on the two rookies or AJ to have an immediate impact. If having Star back helps then we really need Oliver and Edmunds to be disrupters and impact players on D. Otherwise I expect our D to be like last year. Overall, I hope we stay healthy.
  11. Looking to bring my daughter to her first game this year. Flying round trip from Atlanta. The last direct flight on Sunday is at 6:41 pm. Is it realistic to make it to the airport in time after the game or would we need to leave the game early? My spouse doesn’t want her to miss school. We’d most likely have a rental car. Any help would be much appreciated.
  12. The NFL needs to revamp the unnecessary roughness penalty. Blasting a QB with helmet to helmet contact or diving at knees should certainly be 15 yard penalties. Slightly touching the helmet or tackling a QB below the knees when the DL is on their knees should not be a penalty let alone a 15 yard penalty IMO.
  13. For me it was finally last year when we were expected to sweep the Patriots and did! Those demons have been exorcised and now the mentality has shifted to expecting to win. This team is so hungry and believes winning the Super Bowl is a reality!
  14. ☑️ Coach secured ☑️ GM secured ☑️ Franchise QB secured 🔜New stadium in progress 🔜Super Bowl Championship Lets go Buffalo!
  15. Agree! The more weapons the better and it gives the opposing D another thing to try to defend. WR’s, slot WR, TE, RB and a playmaker at QB makes it hard for the D to stop it all. Ertz just being on the field opens up the entire offense. Get it done OBD!
  16. I get its voluntary but seems odd that Devin wouldn’t be there knowing how big of year this is for him. Disappointing is one word to describe Star’s absence. Makes me pause to reflect, is he that much different than Dareus? Would think he would be craving to get back on the field. Wonder if the front office would trade him if the opportunity presented itself? I’m a huge Iowa fan as well. But AJ looks like he’ll get swallowed up by an OT and certainly looks small to hold the edge. Would be a huge bonus to the DL if his play significantly improves this year.
  17. Except I’d prefer our franchise QB not to take the type of hits a RB takes. All the more reason to have a dynamic running back that the D has to account for which opens up more opportunities for the offense and Josh not having to also account for a putrid running game.
  18. She turns 13 this August and we live in GA, so I’ve waited to expose her to the “environment” and things she might see and hear. 😀
  19. One week before the upcoming schedule is officially released. Any leaks coming out yet regarding the Bills schedule? Hoping to bring my daughter to her first game this year. Should be the most anticipated Bills season in the last twenty years with a ton of marquee matchups. Really hope the Bills get a few primetime games at home to remind everyone how raucous the stadium can be with a full house! And yes, I already know who the Bills play this year
  20. Love Hughes but I voted no. I would also vote no on Schobel and Kyle Williams. Solid players but based upon 20 years of bad teams, I feel they were more of a player who shined amongst some very bad talent lacking teams. Again Jerry is solid but IMO to be on the wall you need to be a true cream of the crop difference maker. There are a few on the wall that I would state shouldn’t be. I’m sure others may disagree.
  21. On paper, the Browns look very solid. They also have the benefit of playing a 3rd placed schedule since they finished behind Pitt and Balt. The Ravens and Indy all made improvements as well. The AFC is loaded and IF somehow Rodgers goes to Denver, they are immediately SB contenders. We are pretty much rolling out the same ball in the upcoming season, hoping stability improves our running game, that our offense will continue to flourish without defenses adjusting to our scheme forcing us to run and that drafting two very raw DE’s somehow improves our pass rush. I love our Bills as much as anyone, but I think it’s going to be a dogfight to win the division and objectively feel like in the upper tier of the AFC, we’ve slipped while our competitors were aggressive on adding contributors that will make impacts this season. We are putting so much stock/expecting that Josh will have a similar season as last year. In the NFL, your window of opportunity is small and IMO I’m not confident the Bills are seizing on this moment in their franchise history. Hoping I have to eat crow!
  22. I don’t feel like we moved the needle at all in closing the gap against the contenders. At the minimum would have thought we would add one or two starters. Our RB’s or TE’s scare no one. Take Diggs out and our offense is in trouble.
  23. Three draft picks that are all projects. Not liking this years draft at all.
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