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Everything posted by Billsfansinceday1

  1. I think that depends on Glenn. RT has been our biggest problem the past couple years so my answer right now is yes.
  2. Mills has proven he is not much of a RT and Glenn remains a question mark. If his surgery truly was successful then we have 2 solid bookends and just need a backup. Ducasse has to go so will Miller show the promise we thought he had in year 2?
  3. I would. He has the look of a budding superstar and has been observing Brady for 3 years. Absolutely a better risk than anyone going into the draft.
  4. I haven'y read every post here but I have seen no mention of Rod Streater's potential return. Before his toe injury, he was showing himself to be a valuable asset in the WR Corp. He should be completely healed and very well rested. Now, we need somebody who actually knows that we have WRs and how to get the ball to them.
  5. Thanks. I am zeroing in on my mother's side but nobody is on the registry that is nearly as close as my half brother. He has a brother and sister who would also be half mine. This DNA stuff is awesome and scary.
  6. So, which came first, the bad mechanics or the inaccuracy? I am not enthusiastic about bringing in a project with great raw talent that will take years to develop.
  7. This feels a bit premature. I won't deny the guy's talent, however.
  8. This thread really isn’t about manholes and crowbars. that human error had to be incredibly traumatizing to everyone in Hawaii.
  9. It is nice to see anyone, except NE, humiliating Pittsburgh.
  10. It had to be terrifying. Parents putting their kids down manholes. Awful.
  11. But whenever he is on the field he almost always loses. How is that serviceable as a backup? Anyway, no longer our problem.
  12. If this was truly just human error, someone is desperately in need of a new job.
  13. I didn't answer the first part of your question. The initial test results tell you where your ancestors came from and mine showed the migration of my ancestors to the St Lawrence area in the early 1700's. In Ancestry, it will also show all people on their registry with shared DNA. Like I said earlier, the amounts of DNA and the number of segments determines how close or far apart you are.
  14. I will bet it will be an eye opener. It took about 5 weeks to get my results back but then a whole new world opened up. "Ensure your seat belt is fastened and your seat is in a full, upright position".
  15. Yes. I think you will be surprised to see how many relatives you have on both sides but they will have to have submittted to 23 and me to see who has shared DNA. Unfortunately, Ancestry and 23 are separate so you won’t see what is on Ancestry which has the bigger database. The amount of shared DNA and the number of shared DNA segments determines how close they are as a relative. I have over 900 relatives on Ancestry from my half brother to 8th cousins. Genealogy is a big trend. Edit: I am betting you will not be 100% on either side. The amount of intermingling of cultures is pretty amazing.
  16. Since my earliest days I have known I was adopted from Our Lady of Victory Infant Center, as was my sister 2 years later as an infant. I had the most loving and supportive parents anyone could ever hope for. We were not at all wealthy but always had what we needed and a summer vacation to a cabin in Allegheny State Park satisfied my adventurous boyhood fantasies. That said, I always wondered about my blood relatives who had to be out there somewhere. I loved my parents too much to ever ask a lot of questions about it and never pursued any information that might lead to my biological family. Well, mom and dad are gone and I decided to submit a DNA sample to Ancestry.com, mostly to find out what parts of the world my ancestors came from. I got my results in the middle of the Bills playoff game which showed my ancestors to be predominately from the UK as well as some from the Iberian Peninsula and that they settled in the St Lawrence area way back in the early 1700's. I figured that was where it would end and I was happy to finally know my origins. Six days later, I received a message in my email from a guy who was wondering who the heck I was that was suddenly showing up, out of the blue, on his Ancestry account as an extremely close relative. After a lot of back and forth messaging and a 2 hour phone call, it turns out he is my half brother, and his dad was working at Kodak in Rochester at the time of my birth. We have a large family with ancestors going back to the early 1700's and one family member who came over on the Mayflower. This has been a week full of revelations and helps with a little closure. The maternal side has some information but nothing closer than a second or third cousin and they don't seem as engaged in the process as my half brother and his side of the family. Still working on that. If anyone else is in a similar situation, DNA testing with one of the 3 main organizations is a great way to go.
  17. Thanks for the kind message. Originally from Buffalo but left many years ago. Tailgating is an experience and not to be missed. Warning: Avoid jumping off RVs onto flaming tables. If you feel you must, however, bring your insurance card and a friend with an extinguisher. Enjoy your visit. Niagara Falls is a must and try to fit in a side trip to Letchworth state Park.
  18. Love her Bills songs. I still think she could do serious justice to "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Mis. The dream is appearing to be more real, in fact.
  19. Tyrod's long ball was great in year one but then withered and died. With or without Sammy, it just disappeared.
  20. I think Rudolph is terrific. Not everybody agrees but I am not sure there is hatred.
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