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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. OP you have it all wrong. Fred was a leader in the locker room but outside football, he is a jokester that just likes to have legit fun. He is the type of person that doesn't need to even drink before "loosening up". Roasts are supposed to be fun and Fred will have a ball. I think this is more about the OP and not Freddy. sorry op.. you got this one wrong..
  2. My brothers Best friends cousins fathers uncle's source? I don't think so...
  3. IS this a joke? Agree Why do people keep wanting average QB's is beyond me... EXACTLY No we have not. This is spot on... Look I don't no what the heck you people are thinking.. We have not had a player as good as Kirk in how many years? its this simple.. 1. Make cuts.. Tyrod, Clay with the cap space we have now we would be fine.. Do your math.. don't assume people.. we don't have to cut so many people to fit Cousins salary because we HAVE cap space also. 2. Now that you have Cousins build around him through the draft, RT, RG, DT, ILB, CB <<< we can get that in the first 3 rounds in the draft np. 3. Get a Vet WR that can play #2. That is it.. This isn't Rocket Science.. we win 2 more games this year AND we beat Jacksonville round 1. what the heck is you peoples problem with Cousins? Cause a Drunk beat up old former GM doesn't like him then we should not to? I would take him in a HEART BEAT. We would be set for the next 6 years or more. Average QB's win cause of top 2 defenses.. something no team can do with consistency. We built around Tyrod Taylor? how that work out? We got to the playoffs.. great but then we ended in the usual TT WHIMPER! Is this what you want for the future of this team? And then I see people wanting us to pick up a 3rd round QB.. genius.... bloody hell.
  4. Lets see how long Darius lasts.. he is on strike 2. Gets injured more the a slew of loggers on a bad day.. I thought Kyle and Washington did a fine job. our ILB sucked and when your ILB sucks it drags the rest down with them
  5. Preston Brown was one of the reasons Saints ran all over us. Preston Brown is a 3-4 LB not 4-3 ILB
  6. I am lost, What does Jax post have anything to do with what I said..
  7. You lost me at Preston Brown. I think we need a true run stopping force in the middle and PB is not it.
  8. Idiotic posts like this need to be removed from forums, This is a great attempt to troll at a topic. I bet you NEVER had season tickets and the financial burdens it could add. Its a tough decision of Enjoyment over worthy of spending money on the product on the field. To call a person "not a real fan" cause he stopped spending money on season tickets do to a bad product is outrageous. Get a life.
  9. There is more logic in trading in the draft when you have to give up a future #1 pick and I will give you some examples. 1. Do you have a QB like say an Alex Smith that can work with the kid? 2. Is the QB an immediate starting QB and if so then are you 100% comfortable with trainers and mentors that will be around him to succeed? 3. Does a GM want to stake his rep by giving away so many draft picks to make this move? 4. Can you plug all your holes in FA and in late second round draft on up to fill this roster? 5. Last but not least are you 100% sure with GM and staff that this guy is a winner? IF any of these questions are no and with this GM, my guess is that 3-4 is a no and we don't even make this move. My personal feelings is.. IF we move all on a QB early in draft WOO HOO.. Then pray he works out. if we move up a couple of spots to secure 4th or 5th best QB then still a... WOO HOO! cause by moving up just a little we will still have a ton of holes we can fill with what we have left. As a Bills fan and a believer in the system I will support whatever there decision on this is.. This year for me they get a pass. thoughts?
  10. NO but here is the thing.. You better have top 2 or 3 defense going into the playoffs to get away with it and that doesn't happen every year. To be consistent you need a good QB. You know.. one that knows how to throw a ball? yea...
  11. TBH I find it hard to believe they treated him any different then any other player and because of that he feels he needed to be treated better. In short it is a business just because he is high talent doesn't mean he should be treated any different or "special" and on top of that he is on his last strike.
  12. QB, a WR, DT, ILB, RT, RG and backup RB. To be honest with the Cap space we have and a huge draft with 4 picks in 2 rounds we can fill This. We need a better QB...
  13. I think it is more how you say things in your original posts.. More cup half empty then half full. Just Saying
  14. totally apologize I read your post so wrong. need more zzzz's sorry John.
  15. Boy I want your Crystal ball.. Must be an amazing thing to have. Many WR's take a year or two to get good. Eric Moulds is case point. Jerry Rice got laughed off the field early in his career and look where he ended? Now I am not comparing anyone but darn give the kid a chance.. Shoulder injuries are huge when you have to protect yourself each play..
  16. Ok I think there is more to this that you are missing and I will give you some examples. 1. Checking down the ball a lot. 2. Separation is down field more then within 10 yard throws 3. Tyrod throwing to wrong Receivers. How many times did he throw to a receiver short and see people wide open down field? 4. How many passes did Taylor throw deep this year? 5. This is the important one. Injuries. How beat up was our WR core to those that are higher on the list? I value much of what you post and usually I read and have good reads and let it be but not on this one. To many variables to just say how bad our WR's are because of this statistic.
  17. And if you think for one second that this is the NORM in the NFL then you need to open your eyes.
  18. and you think Bortles is going to get them far in the playoffs? pfft. Goal isn't just to get into playoffs now. If that's all you want then your a lost cause.
  19. at 9-7 I give buffalo about 40% chance to make playoffs 10-6... I KNOW BIG IFF.. then we make it 100%
  20. Both, OT OG QB WR DT pure 4-3 ILB are the top 5 needs and very obtainable in the draft.
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