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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. I’ve been saying this for weeks. i was at the Carolina Practices and it was night and day our punters vs theirs.
  2. This may back fire for some players as well.... I think the league just needs to rethink the preseason process. Maybe 2 games, 2 weeks apart, with joint practices in between. Holding possibly mini scrimmages on a day 3 of joint practices....
  3. Oh I know it possible. But if things were going that route I’d never agree to put my card in. $2-3G sure.... but nearly $8G? These guys were having fun regardless which is always good
  4. $7Gs? I knew it was rigged... no way a group of like 8-9 dudes could run up a bill like that for dinner. That’s like nearly $800 a person. $200 at a nice restaurant per person is believable.
  5. This... Bills keep 6. Foster, Roberts, McKenzie and now Zay are all working in on STs. Ray Ray has been less than impressive. If they keep Ray Ray it’s 100% all about because they drafted him. He’s done nothing in 2 years.
  6. He did tweak it in Carolina on day 1 of joint practices.... hobbled off the field. May it’s still sore. Or he tweaked it again. I also noticed Gore messaging his right hamstring on the sideline day 1 of joint practices. Never really did much the rest of the day and didn’t do much either on day 2.
  7. For those like me that went to Carolina will like the behind the scenes here... Good stuff. Watch our Rookie Ford at the end.....
  8. Bills will keep 3 to start the season. Knox, Smith, Sweeney Kroft on IR til week 6, will miss 5 games. Bills will keep all 4 after then. Bills will keep 7 WRs, Brown, Beasley, Zay, Foster, McKenzie, Ray-Ray/Duke, Roberts. after week 6 they may let 1 WR go. Bills have ran a lot of spread empty backfields. 3-4 of those WRs are playing STs....
  9. Yeah.... once everything was done yesterday me and my boy went out and played!!! Thanks Wofford lol
  10. I can’t stand Cam Newton.... let me tell you what I saw today. During warmups, whole team is lined up spread out every 5 yards on the 5 yard lines (10,15, 20 etc). Not Cam, he’s dancing between the lines, doing his own thing, twirling around, making noise while everyone, everyone is in sync doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Also everyone has their pads on, not Cam. Then comes individual position warmups.... still no pads on. We are like almost 20 mins into practice where the whole panther team is moving as one, except Cam. He’s a clown, with that hairstyle, lined up wherever and twirling around and with his loud mouth, he’s a cancer. Finally he decided to put on his pads like 30 mins into practice. Let me tell you, during 11 on 11 the Buffalo Defense was getting to him, putting pressure on him but of course it’s practice and they aren’t allowed to touch him. That’s gonna change Friday. Also he has 2 big pass plays, on 2 plays we rushed our DBs and asked Hughes to cover and Murphy to drop into coverage. Once again Bills tapped him, had pressure but since Cam was allowed to sit and throw he had extra time and completed the passes. What you read and actually see are totally different. I hope our defense is screaming to be let loose on Cam to shut his big mouth and drive him into the dirt. I bet Cam only plays 1 or 2 series. Can’t stand the *****.
  11. It was crazy how many Bills fans were there. Big Bummer though was none of the players really signed autographs after practice. Josh signed like 5. My boy was one of the lucky ones. John Brown met his family right next to all the fans and didn’t sign one single thing. Shaq Lawson had an interview and about 2 dozen fans wanted his autograph, he just walked away. All the rest just left. Nothing. A lot of fans were disappointed.
  12. I can appreciate Astro’s write ups. I’m not much of a reader. Being in the military, I’ll stick to bullet points....
  13. I’ll be heading up Monday morning for the joint practices, followed by the game on Friday night. Beane wanted exposure to the elements, the heat of the south. Well I think Tuesday is supposed to be the hottest day of the year. 97 degrees with 50% humidity a real feel of 105, Wednesday a few degrees colder. Friday will be in the mid 80s at game time. Fatigue, hydration and the heat should be of concern and I hope they are preparing. Don’t need any more injuries. Luckily practices are in the morning but it will still be tough. Im excited. Hopefully I can provide some notes and experience feedback. Lets Go Buffalo
  14. I hope Buffalo is more balanced offensively than what we are seeing tonight. This team needs a run game. The defense can play but it always helps if you can score points and run time off the clock.
  15. Robert Foster is one of those guys that thrives in games situations with all eyes on him but sucks in practice... every team has that guy
  16. Any clips of Singletary? Keep reading on a daily he making plays, but have yet seen a single clip.
  17. Wow.... not to shocking, but what does it say that Bodine can’t even get reps with Morse sitting. Feliciano and Long both make the squad based on this move here.
  18. Great guess, but no. Hint, this was David Carr's go to guy out of Fresno State.... David, not Derek. 7th round pick if I remember.
  19. I don’t understand the love for the Browns.... Are they Solid on offense? Sure. OBJ may become a cancer, their Oline is decent. Thing is, they had the 30th ranked defense. I don’t think they got better on that side of the ball at all! Lost a solid DC. I see them as a 8 win team... Baker is going to shoulder way more responsibility and teams will figure him out. If there’s anyone I see having a slump it’s baker. I just think he’s going to force to much and try to hard and crack under the pressure this year. Yes he’s a stud, yes he will be a top QB in the future. But the Browns Defense is super suspect and it’s all on Baker to make OBJ happy. I see It imploding after 3-4 straight losses.... because of their defense.
  20. Kelly wins 1 super bowl you could put him probably up to 15. Right behind Aikman.... Phillip Rivers ever wins a Super Bowl you can slide him into the top 20... This list is set off Super Bowl wins... Bradshaw was terrible skill wise but because he had 5 HOF players on each side of the ball plus all the Super Bowls he’s selected high.
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