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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. As I’ve always said… 7-9 is our sweet spot! Turns out that Dick Jauron was right all along. Go figure.
  2. Are you under some odd false impression that people don’t already know that?
  3. No problem Hawk. The country has been changing for centuries. And for really big things we change the Constitution. Go for it! 👍
  4. Does this mean we can go in the wet sand again? 😂😂😂
  5. Like with all things. It’s not terribly complicated. I’m exhausted from the bickering. If people want to change the country….CHANGE IT! Or….go somewhere that’s more to your liking. There are plenty of countries to choose from. It’s a small world and pretty easy to get from place to place.
  6. Why? Because if the Left wants to fundamentally change the country, maybe just maybe they should change via the means provided in the documents. That’s why.
  7. Not a single Offensive Lineman? Hard to believe.
  8. It would say whatever opponents of the current wording want it to say. Geeez we’ve become increasingly lazy!
  9. Or maybe, just maybe, someone could write a Constitutional Amendment. Why does this have to be so complicated?
  10. Did I miss it? Is he in prison yet? Asking for a friend.
  11. Great post and comments. Bills fans have been through a great deal, especially those of us who’ve been there from the virtual beginning. BOTH the OPs comments and the many responses are CURRENTLY true. What has many of us on edge is the horrible premonition that what if this is all we get? Years of regular season success rivaling the Kelly years; but this time no Super Bowl…not even an appearance. If true it’ll have been a fun decade for sure but the sheer weight of it all will get heavier and heavier with each passing season. Go Bills….please!
  12. Unfortunately Ron, we haven’t seen that in a few decades now, and the results are things like the topic of this thread. Balance is a good thing in a representative government…regardless of which party is in the majority.
  13. Logic left the barn a long time ago in California. The entire train wreck is run on emotion now. The State is an absolute mess on every level!
  14. The Trump organization is not the Trump campaign. There’s a difference.
  15. What makes it even more ridiculous is that probably close to 90% of the people in California do not have family ties dating back anywhere near that far back. So not only did their family not own slaves in California but their family was very likely not even in America in the 1880s or beyond.
  16. Of course not. I’m just pointing out what school libraries are all about these days. I designed them for a living!
  17. So maybe you can explain to Kemp that the case isn’t about the payment itself but rather about whether it’s a legitimately recorded campaign expense.
  18. Fair question. I could see any of the following needing to be upgraded. And I might even add Safety if you consider we’ll be running on fumes in 2023. MLB WR2 OG(2) R-OT RB? DT
  19. The one federal prosecutor that I heard interviewed said that they already looked at the issue and that while questionable on face value, the payment is NOT in violation of what the statute is written to prevent. I’m going to trust that he knows the federal statute better than you or I do.
  20. We’ll disagree there. I’m not as sold on the current roster and am really not sold on the longer term future. It’s a new era in Buffalo with a franchise QB to maintain. We’re going to see a lot of roster turnover in the years to come as players come in and out for a season or two…much like the Patriots had in the Brady years, and as we’re currently seeing with the Chiefs. With all that said, I’m praying for a very productive draft. The team’s going to need at least three, maybe four, solid picks to stabilize the free agency turnstile for awhile.
  21. For everyone’s information there are fewer and fewer actual books in the typical school library these days. They are very expensive to purchase, store and maintain. The key skill of a school librarian is actually in teaching students how to navigate through the limitless sources found on the internet….not how to use the Dewey Decimal System.
  22. I’m guessing it’ll be from teams behind us who have an extra pick to burn but with the Bills having so many roster spots in need of improvement I’m dying to see who this hypothetical trade partner selects. And praying we don’t regret it!
  23. I had to look it up but with Singletary now gone it turns out CJ Spiller ended up one spot higher than Devin in all time Bills rushing yards. They sit at #9 and 10. Their stats were very close. I wouldn’t have guessed that to be the case.
  24. I see this opinion posted all the time…and it makes sense for the Bills, but if there isn’t a fit for Buffalo at 27 why do people think there’s a fit for another hypothetical team. Who’ll be there that some other team needs so desperately to cause them to trade with us?
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