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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Barkley best RB in NFL right now. Scares me for this game.................. My fears whole week.
  2. RIght make Eli pass. Barkley is the best RB Bill's going to face maybe this year.
  3. I'm worried about tomorrow game. Cowboys kicked there butt. But a new OC for Cowboys helped lots without much film. There D might be that bad. But it's a should win game.
  4. Right Eli is still pretty good. Can still get's lots of yards throwing but don't turn it into TDS and a really bad D past few years.
  5. Norv Turner for sure ain't helping neither. Calling plays that are 7 step drops. Not going to run game. He still call plays like it was the 90s or early 00. If Greg Roman was OC there he would hide Cam much better.
  6. Still see Norv using his Vikings offense 7 step drops with Cam (might be even longer)......... Sadly game passed by him.
  7. Norv Turner offense terrible. So glad to have Daball over him. Don't watch many offense's other teams. I know the Pats have a good one but his offense is horrible.
  8. Newton looks bad.... He needs his old OC back. Right see that as well
  9. Cam might look bad but Norv Turner is a bad OC. Why not instead of Cam stuggling put it in the hands of Christian McCaffey and have him lead the offense?
  10. I think Bowles is a good DC but bad HC. Still stick to my words on it
  11. I think the Bill's are still long way off from the Patriots. But it all takes time to build a team. Loved what I saw today and win. Still long ways to go and to progress.
  12. Bill's are still long ways off to Chiefs and Patriots still.............. Have long ways to go. Might be 2 best AFC right now. But good win today happy for that.
  13. He's the type RB is a much better WR but as for RB awful.
  14. Frees up some roster spots (for preseason)? Is the bigger question as of right now.
  15. Just to show you how bad our o-line and offense last year
  16. If some teams wants him. They have to make sure his salary in full is every last game of the year. That team won't lose anything while Harvin loses everything if retires early.. lol Guy is trouble.
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