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Everything posted by Maynard

  1. Is it me or does Milano look suddenly much bigger to anyone?
  2. I'm glad it helps us, but hate the crappy Seachickens. Work in Seattle and gotta listen to the bullcrap from pathetic fans who don't even know who their starting center is.
  3. Patriots on a roll. Be up by a few scores here shortly. Gotta love a Brady getting popped though and crying like a B word.
  4. It's gotta be a mental thing right? Think we need to get him in some short pass plays just to get his hands on the ball a few times. Maybe that'll break this issue.
  5. Definitely the second half adjustments and the team competing for 4 quarters stand out the most to me.
  6. Why can't we have a solid defense and offense? We are constantly flip flopping, starting to piss me off lol.
  7. You should make this a poll. Player of the game each week. I vote Poyer!
  8. It's the freaking Jets. Marcell Do-us-in needs to step it up.
  9. I like the funky dance he does hopping on one leg like that.
  10. Ditto. Believe he is retired now. To me, at least in his later years, he seemed to have a vendeda against the Bills. He'd honestly piss me off with some of the comments he'd make about them.
  11. Oh yeah you are correct. Understand southeast Florida, but Carolina? Just a lot of Bills fans there? Dunno.
  12. He'll be gone soon enough. Just backup until Tayler or Yates return. Still no word on either of them? Looking more and more like Peterman may get the start - seeing as we are only 6 days away?
  13. Well we definitely need an o-line either way. That I do know for sure. They have looked atrocious....
  14. My vote is to put Peterman out there and start him. I do agree with you though. I'd still get Tyrod out there in some capacity.
  15. By all accounts so far, this is plausible. He just may not be a great fit for this D.
  16. Have you watched many of his games? Just curious because from what I've seen he's pretty smooth and doesn't really have a huge cannon for an arm. I'm by no means a QB expert, but I like what I've seen of him. I also have liked what I've seen from UW's Browning.
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