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Everything posted by HoofHearted

  1. Incorrect… we only ran one draw in the game.
  2. I’ve done everything from DI down as a defensive coordinator. As far as the content stuff - I don’t usually have a ton of time to watch most of it. I’ve seen some Cover 1 stuff and I think I’ve said this in the past - they do a good job of regurgitating football terms and giving you maybe a general idea of what’s going on but I’m not sure how much football they actually know. Erik does a better job offensively (probably because there’s more information out there about offense) than he does talking defense. He can tell you general concept names and reads on offense but I’ve never heard him get into specific rules for positions. Defensively he often gets coverages wrong or says players are doing things on “instincts” when really it’s just players playing fast within the rules of the defense whether that be fits or coverages. I don’t know much about the other guys. Scheme is tough to learn without being in it. Coaches are pretty protective of their stuff so if something gets out it’s no longer being used or taught that way anymore. That being said there is a ton of information out there. It’s kind of like a grab bag though - you have to piece together stuff like a puzzle. There aren’t just breakdowns of entire schemes all in one place. Additionally there isn’t a common language spoken when it comes to football. Everyone kind of has their own name for things which can get convoluted when first trying to learn because you’ll hear multiple terms for the same thing depending on what information you’re looking at. If it was easier to upload images on to this site I’d do more in depth breakdown stuff more often but it’s kind of a pain in the butt trying to get multiple images into one post. Maybe someone has a work-around?
  3. Here’s the disconnect - play action opens up the middle of the field by pulling defenders into the box. Because of this they are now responsible for an immediate gap in the run game and thus have to play run first. This is why play action is successful because it can pull backers and box safeties toward the LoS. It has zero effect on corners eyes or, in the case of what we saw from Jacksonville, MOF Closed Safeties. They’re working their pass keys regardless of the action. Because they were in MOF Closed coverage the majority of the day there wasn’t anything to take advantage of in the middle of the field by using play action which is why every time we ran it except one the pass went outside where, like I said, the corners are just playing coverage as normal based on their key read. Hope that clears it up for you.
  4. Scheme looked good in the run game. We had angles and numbers - just didn't execute.
  5. 1st & 10 - 1st Series - Dart - 6 yard gain (Gun) 1st & 10 - 2nd Series - GH Counter - 1 yard loss (Gun): DE did a good job of spilling the kick by McGovern, but even so there was about a 3-4 yard gain to be had if Cook follows Knox's wrap inside. Instead he hesitates and ends up running into the back of our pulling McGovern. 3rd & 1 - 3rd Series - ISO - 2 yard gain (Under Center) - this was the lone loaded box and it was because of the offensive set we were in 2nd & 9 - 3rd Series - ISO - 6 yard gain (Gun) 2nd & 1 - 3rd Series - Crack Toss - 5 yard loss (Gun) - Safety blitz blew it up - good call by them - good play by the Safety. Not a great pitch path by Cook - needs to be flatter initially, but the play was dead regardless with the blitz. If he hadn't blitzed it would have been a big gain. 2nd & 10 - 4th Series - ISO - 4 yard gain (Gun) 2nd & 3 - 4th Series - Mid Zone - 2 yard gain (Under Center) 1st & 10 - 5th Series - ISO - 1 yard loss (Gun) - DE crashes - we don't adjust our blocking to accomodate. 1st & 10 - 6th Series - Dart - 5 yard gain (Gun) 1st & 10 - 7th Series - Sprint Draw - 2 yard loss (Gun) - Torrence got nerd tossed and Dawkins whiffed on his block otherwise it's a pretty significant gain. The initial hole is huge. ISO is what Cover 1 is incorrectly calling Duo in their breakdown. Offensively we lost the game in the trenches. We were getting mauled in the run game and they were getting Allen off his spot in the pass game and forcing him to make throws before routes were able to develop. Really good defensive lines is going to be this teams kryptonite yet again. As far as the play action and under center stuff that Cover 1 is drooling over - there was only one play action where we took advantage of the action. Everything else was outside or downfield which had no impact by the fact we were under center or showing some type of action. This is a bad take.
  6. 1st Bold - He's dead wrong. I just got done breaking down every single run play we ran and there were plays to be made all day long. There was only one time where there was a heavy box and that was on the 3rd and 1 conversion on the third series. 2nd Bold - The 2nd and 1 Crack Toss didn't work because they blitzed the Safety and he made a great play. Cook needed to keep a flatter initial path until he hit the edge, but we just got unlucky there. If the Safety sits and plays coverage we gain big yardage because they didn't have any edge whatsoever. 3rd Bold - 100% Diggs needs to come down with that. Also the earlier big gain where Allen hit Diggs deep Diggs misjudged the ball and ended up having to jump for it and landed on the ground. Diggs had to work back for the ball - I get high pointing it - but he took it to the extreme to the point where he couldn't make a play after the catch. 4th Bold - The play he's referring to here we ran ISO again which had worked really well to that point with gains of 6 and 4 the previous two times we ran it. This time they crashed the end and instead of Knox blocking down and Shakir working to pick up most dangerous outside, Know tried to scroop the crashing end and Shakir tried to fit it inside as well. The failure to adjust their blocks based on the defensive movement killed the play.
  7. To your point on #12 - that was a designed play to the back that was suppose to have two blockers upfield for him already. Basically Stef running a shallow with Cook running a follow. It’s setting up essentially the same type of concept Miami gets out of their slot out motion where the #1 seals the edge and Stef wraps around to lead for the back. For whatever reason Allen didn’t like it even though it was there. As an aside PFF grades are fun but I wouldn’t put a ton of stock in them.
  8. That’s not something you can just jump in and out of on a whim. It completely changes the base of the defense.
  9. Fans man lol. We win and Dorsey is a god. We lose and he needs to be fired. Player execution isn’t even a thought lol.
  10. Receivers need to have tools in order to win on routes just like Defensive Linemen need tools to win in pass rush. I suspect this is why Chad Hall was let go last season.
  11. Point made. If you can’t tell me why a call isn’t good vs. what we saw from the defense or whats wrong with a specific play design then you don’t really know what you’re talking about. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion but don’t try to have it come across as fact because in reality you have no idea what you’re talking about.
  12. 1) No run play is going to work if no one gets blocked up front regardless of if it’s under center or from gun. My point was there’s no difference in RB speed hitting a hole at the LoS regardless of the backfield set. 2) You’re delusional if you don’t think NFL offensive linemen are elite athletes. As far as leverage it’s all footwork and technique. 3 point vs 2 point stance doesn’t matter. 3) Again, entertain me. Pick one play call and tell me why it was bad vs the defense we got and why the design is flawed. You want to make these claims then prove it to everyone.
  13. 1) This is the biggest misconception about football. These are NFL athletes... they reach top speed in three steps. Regardless of the backfield set these guys are hitting the line of scrimmage at full speed. There is zero difference in blocking schemes from gun to center. The only difference you'll see there is the vast majority of the time we've been under center this year it's been out of Ace sets. 2) There is not post-snap RPO when under center... it's only from gun. 3) Entertain me here for a second. I'd like you to pick a play call you didn't like - explain to me why it was a bad call vs what the defense gave us and explain to me where the failure occured in the design of the play.
  14. Looked like a rookie. Definitely got some talent. Could tell he was thinking as he wasn’t just flying around. There was hesitation in his footwork consistently throughout the day. Got lost in coverage at times, didn’t trigger vs the run at times, but also made some big time plays in both run and pass as well. He’ll be alright. Needs reps.
  15. What made it a bad call? Please break it down for us.
  16. We don’t do a great job of running routes in general, Diggs included at times. Forget leverage - we run routes like they’re drawn on a board. Very little stemming, leaning, jab steps, head fakes, etc.
  17. Don’t want to put him to the field - he’s gonna be asked to play a ton of zone coverage there. You always want your best man guy to the boundary. To me it looks like he doesn’t have a wholistic understanding of the defense. Multiple times we were in 2 man today and he jump inside leverage quick on the receiver stem and then gets beat outside. Like dude… you got help inside and over top so stay your butt outside and underneath…
  18. Your run game doesn’t magically improve by going under center…
  19. We blitzed because we weren’t getting any penetration with 4. Multiple opportunities for coverage sacks today but couldn’t even collapse the pocket. What’s disheartening is Kaiir was put in position as that boundary corner to be in mostly man situations but lost leverage or didn’t understand what leverage to play with many times. However, lack of execution offensively is why we lost this game.
  20. I wasn’t criticizing anything. Was quoting the dude who said we should have run it vs their “comically light box” - which you’re gonna get literally every time you go empty.
  21. So go empty and go QB run game every snap. Got it 😏😉
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