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Everything posted by Success

  1. I can’t wait to watch patriots games when Brady is no longer behind center
  2. When Taylor plays like this I get into a whole “what if” thing - like maybe if we just build up The o line and D we can contend with him
  3. If Miami played like they did last week all season, they’d be one of the league’s best teams. It won’t happen 2 weeks in a row. Not saying it won’t be a tough divisional game, but on a short week after an emotional upset win, and traveling north, I like our chances. Cutler will revert to form.
  4. Completely agree. He couldn’t ask for a better shot. If he gets us to the playoffs, it’s going to be hard to not keep him around.
  5. Yep. Fortunately, it won’t be decided by the knee-jerk reaction of some fans here. I’d hate to lose a tackle like Glenn and see him dominate elsewhere if he’s healthy next year
  6. Bad luck, but I’d hardly give up on the guy. Good LT’s are really hard to find. Players are injury prone until they’re not.
  7. I don’t understand picking out a few bad decisions to evaluate a coach - even the best have those. We’re 7-6 and have as good a shot at the playoffs at this time of year as we’ve had since Bledsoe. So far, so good.
  8. BB is a classic sore loser. Some think that’s a good thing, but really, he’s a baby in that respect.
  9. Gee - I guess the defender should have slammed cooks from behind after the play to express his frustration over the bad call
  10. I swear - the chatter over the summer about how the pats stole him and we were their farm club and all that...
  11. Pats are a bit overrated this year. Obviously they’re good, but our anemic offense let them off the hook last week
  12. That’s not really correct. Techinically, he’s right
  13. This is probably as hopeful as I’ve felt since Bledsoe at this time of year. I think it comes down to the Mighty Pats. What better way to end the drought than to beat our nemesis on their turf, on Xmas eve?
  14. Yeah - I like how Zay has progressed. Deonte seems like more of a big play guy now, which we need. With Benjamin healthy, our wr corps is pretty solid
  15. Not a chance. im the biggest phin fan in the world tonite
  16. Great day for the Bills! Gotta appreciate those
  17. I hate the year after year deja vu of counting on bad teams to win in December
  18. I think I heard that we lose the tiebreaker if we’re both 9-7. But I do think TN could collapse. It’s not like everything rides on tonight
  19. That crowd celebration at the end looked like a playoff win. It was cool how the sun was breaking through at the end. Love seeing that atmosphere this late in the season
  20. Feel bad for Wentz and philly fans. Hope they’re wrong.
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