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Everything posted by Thunderstruck

  1. I actually think this scouting department has a pretty good eye for talent. They have made some really good later round picks and FA acquisitions. Having said that- I think their biggest downfall has been the love affair with former Carolina players and their tendency to overvalue them. I fully expect Thomas Davis to be Buffalo Bill next season and I hope it works out well. Also hoping they do not overpay him to bring him in. There were a few really solid players out there last offseason that we could have brought in to solidify the O line but we were, unfortunately, in salary cap Hell. Now we have the cap space but the pickings are slim. This is why I hope we do not overpay for mediocre talent.
  2. Well at least he left behind a legacy that his children and grandchildren can be proud of.
  3. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/25760941/best-worst-2018-nfl-free-agent-signings Vontae coming in at the #2 worst signing. Personally, I think we got ripped off. He made a strong case for #1.
  4. I agree he is a better athlete and QB, but I would worry about a 5'8" dude trying to see / throw over those 6'5" monsters. I'm sure there are things you can do in blocking schemes and play designs, but it seems like quite a disadvantage to have to plan around.
  5. They had audio clips this morning on Golic and Wingo of Kingsbury fawning over the kid. The stars just might have aligned in a perfect way to draw him to the NFL.
  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/01/10/report-expect-kyler-murray-enter-nfl-draft/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e9b97e412001 I don't think it is a done deal that the guy goes to MLB.
  7. For those who live in or spend a great deal of time in downtown Buffalo- what is your honest assessment of the implications of building a new stadium down there? What will the traffic be like? Better? Worse? Similar? Will there be ample room for parking AND tailgating? I think it is important to have a stadium area with lots of room to park and tailgate, and I don't want to fill out this survey blindly. I just don't know enough about the downtown area / proposed stadium sites to make an informed choice on this.
  8. Exactly- the sad truth is that some people cannot stand to see others achieve success. As soon as you get drafted high, win the Heisman, asked to host the Oscars, get nominated for Supreme Court, or make it to the pinnacle of whatever profession you happen to be in, there are going to be those that want to see you torn down. also known as "crab in a bucket" mentality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality This isn't a new thing- just so much easier to do now in the digital age because a) there are cameras everywhere and b) people voluntarily put themselves out there on social media without considering the potential ramifications
  9. I'm actually glad our FO is finally thinking outside of the box- we've tried the big possession WR route and it just doesn't work. give me fast guys with good hands all day and twice on Sundays. if we are able to roll out 2 or 3 burners that can beat you both deep and with other precision routes, it's going to be great for the run game too. #1 focus needs to be on upgrading the OL so these guys have time to run their routes and Josh can stay in the pocket for a few seconds without having to constantly run for his life.
  10. Well I think we can safely say that the only team stat that will suffer is average height
  11. I know what it's like to have my football team be the brunt of my friends jokes for years on end. I know what it is like to deal with the frustration of seeing little or no progress from a team that just can't seem to learn how to get it together. I know what it is like to still taste that bitter pill of having lost 4 in a row, and all of the heckling that came with that. I know what it is like to work with a bunch of smug ***** Pats fans who try to make you feel small because of your teams lack of success However- I WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO TREAT ANOTHER HUMAN BEING LIKE GARBAGE WHEN HE HAS GIVEN HIS BEST EFFORT BUT COME UP SHORT My guess is that this person is a major loser in life, and so desperately looks for validation through anything, including his football team, that he will try to blame someone for taking that away from him or her. Come on people- football isn't life, and your football teams success (or lack thereof) does not define you. The sooner we, as Bills fans, realize that the better off we will all be.
  12. Nonetheless, he felt it was his doodie to share this with the rest of us
  13. We have a police artist sketch, and authorities are asking fans to be on the lookout at all future home games
  14. Every year I keep expecting to see his head grow massively like Barry Bonds. Could it be that he employs "the cream", "the clear", and a head shrinking witch doctor of some sort simultaneously?
  15. https://billswire.usatoday.com/2018/10/10/buffalo-bills-fan-obituary-obit-let-down/
  16. Because it was raining cats and dogs... the ball was really slippery, and... oh wait- that was last week
  17. Well he may have lost some significant money here, but look at what he has gained... A legacy that his children and grandchildren can be proud of
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