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Everything posted by muppy

  1. NAUGHTY NAUGHTY NAUGHTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH BABY BABY BABY
  2. where is the guy who says "matriculate it down the field" If ever that was appropriate it is NOW
  3. TIED Game and now it begins to snow........lol only in Buffalo a holiday singalong 🙂 Lightening the mood
  4. and still Beasley with no sniffs. has he even been on the field this half?
  5. oh but he bobbled after it crossed the goal line @-@ Yes Im being sarcastic And Yes Im still mad about that lil dirty play they called incomplete
  6. @sonyab1974 Allen didnt sense the defender coming up from behind I saw it and wished I could have warned him. Why the angry reaction at my post?
  7. allright. a stop and good field position. Lets see what they can do with it.
  8. i freakin hate that rule. The ball only has to cross the plain at the goal line for a TD but a catch if caught in bounds should stay.even if a small biobble JMO
  9. come on Bills fans I know it has been ugly but we have and CAN win Ugly. This game is NOT over yet dangit.
  10. OFFENSIVE PI on Tre White uncalled Thanks Refs. The sack was CRUCIAL 4th down Stop THANK YOU SPECIAL TEAMS **&^%$%^&*)()(*&^%%^&**()))
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