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Everything posted by gomper

  1. Well...I was right on the money for once. Good job Lions!
  2. WGR wins an award for best in the country??? You've got to be kidding. What group of fools thinks that GR is in the same discussion let alone better than WFAN, KNBR, WEEI, WIP and many others? I just can't believe that Bulldog is still on the radio. He can't speak properly.
  3. Detroit will end their losing streak on Sunday with a win over Washington.
  4. Totally agree. When I'm at the game I bring the headphones and when i'm watching on TV the sound is down and Murph is on loud. We all miss Van and I for one would have let him call games until he died in the booth ala Harry Kalas but Murph is so solid. He has the hometown enthusiasm but doesn't embarrass himself like other play by play guys in the league who openly cheerlead and think that saying the same phrase everytime their team scores is clever. Mark Kelso may be the best analyst the Bills have ever had (no offense to Murph). Van Pelt was interesting (except for his out loud cheering) but Kelso reads what just happened and relays it instantly to the listener. He is also excellent at spotting trends early in a game that are critical to the outcome. Kelso also has a deceptively entertaining personality. Anyone listening to him talking trash to the Patriot fans ON THE AIR! sitting below the booth know what I mean. Muprh was always the logical chioce and I thought it was in bad taste when they made him wait it out instead of naming him right away. He is one of the best in the league but my current #1 play by play man has to be Greg Papa of the Raiders broadcast...he is amazing!
  5. So you'd rather have excellent RB's who split time rather than deal one at his highest market value for proven players or picks? I'd rather have one feature back and upgrade my team in other positions of need but trading an asset. Knowing the Bills, this move is way too bold for them. Not to piss anyone off, but you think Belichick wouldn't spin a great deal for Lynch in the same situation?
  6. Aaaahh...yeah Fish. Did you watch Jackson last season? Depth is one thing but having an asset is another. Mark my words...they'll deal one of them by the draft next year.
  7. If this organization had any clue, they would have realized Freddy's true ability and traded Lynch in the off season. Could you imagine the caliber players or draft picks the Bills could have garnered?
  8. Classic contest. Being a Bills fans, it's nice to see exciting football being played.
  9. I'm a native WNYer but like I posted before, I'd go for the Steelers because of their history and passionate fan base. Not to mention the fact they're from a similar city and play outdoors. Let's hope the day never comes though.
  10. WTF? Bet his 3 year old can write better than him!
  11. Ted's yes. Mighty? no way. I know it was a survey about chains but no one beats Ultima on Seneca St.
  12. I hate the twice a year ass kicking we get at the hands pf the Pats but Belichick is great. How his team responded behind Cassell after Brady went down was incredible. He consistantly comes up with innovative, trend setting schemes that make the most of what he has on his roster. Great gameplanner and just as great a gameday coach who has terrific instincts for the feel of the game (casssel quick kick anyone?). It's no mistake that his gameplans for SB XXV and SB XXXVI are in the HOF. Is he pompous jerk? No Doubt Sore loser? You got it Get caught cheating? Think you know the answer Is he a great coach? No Question
  13. I agree with everything the OP stated. I ve said to my friends that this year is the first in 30 that I have zero faith in the Bills being successful. Every year leading up to this I always could tell myself that hope was justified because we: Had a new HC...a new QB....building on last seasons finish..etc, etc,etc. Of course I'll watch every play and hope for the best but I do not see anything better than 6-10.
  14. I'd have to pick a team that is similar to the Bills fan base, the city, and the overall passion their team is held in Steelers
  15. No worries Dad. Be thankful they enjoyed it and their little minds and spirits got enriched. Dont worry, pretty soon they'll be waving you off when playing video games with the classic".....uhhuh...unhuh.....what?"
  16. It's the only good thing Tyler has ever done on a stage
  17. I'd be seriously impressed if DJ got the team to 7 wins. The D cant rush the passer if they sent 12, The schedule is brutal and how many games do you think DJ is going to out coach the other team? 5-11 Certainly no playoffs.....and the beat goes on
  18. Is it true that DJ ended the practice 15 minutes early because of the fight? Is this even possible? If it is that says it all.
  19. Pipe may be over the top but he makes some really good points. This isn't a overreaction to preseason game 1, but rather the over the cliff feeling this season feels like. The have talent yes, but the major holes on this team cannot be helped by the coaching staff. Face it, the staff (save April) is in the bottom 1/5 of the league. Dick may be the worst head coach in the NFL right now. Modrak is awful. The D could send 12 men after the QB and still not get there. The no huddle? Please. The schedule is brutal and if we get to 7 wins again I'll be amazed. Pipe may dramatic (mckelvin and Maybin have to be given time) but he is right in a general sense. It will get worse before it gets better.
  20. The highlight of the season will have been Saturday night?
  21. Does the father believe in drilling holes in peoples heads to let the evil spirits out too? A nice tribute to his son but to objectify the flag as some untouchable symbol is silly. Hope his kid comes back in one piece..god knows our govt wont care
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