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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Makes you just want to have an awesome QB and a bunch of decent players.
  2. You get what you deserve when you buy a punters jersey.
  3. Please, no. Cut it to 2 games if anything. The coaches study these players enough during camp to know what they have and don’t have.
  4. Imagine if we did sign him? Instead of sitting in the bench when the defense is on the field, the Bills would have to purchase a couch for him to lie down on.
  5. I wonder if we could/would have landed Darnold if he didn’t turn that down.
  6. Ticket Booths....remember them outside of the stadium in the mid 70’s to 80’s? Walk right up on game day and buy yourself a ticket.
  7. Neither could hold the jockstrap of Larry Felser or Jim Kelley.
  8. No doubt. Certainly looks like a different player but you can just see CB’s sitting on those outs....
  9. The offensive line is a concern but I have never witnessed so much hysteria, especially over a pre-season game, as I have in the last 24 hours or so.
  10. We’ll see. I have a feeling we will be seeing some pick 6’s in a couple weeks.
  11. Are you sure it’s a different Continent you reside on and not a planet? Thanks. I’ll hang up and listen.
  12. You think some whacko holding a Bills jersey could be a “foreboding” of things to come? Sack up young man.
  13. So, you want the Bills to suck just to say I told you so? Maybe it’s you that should go root for another team.
  14. I keep forgetting he’s on the team. That should tell me everything I need to know.
  15. Clay has sucked. Remember his non efforts last week against Cleveland? Didn’t even attempt to block on a couple plays. The Bills have some young talent at TE. I’d say goodbye to Clay.
  16. Somewhere, Josh Rosen is saying...”on second thought, only eight teams made a mistake. Buffalo was right for not selecting me.”
  17. Someone on that Bills coaching staff should be fired for letting that kid stay in after that !@#$ing hit.
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