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Everything posted by Beast

  1. I think he is a good owner for both, to be quite honest. The problem is he just hasn’t had any luck. I think most believed that when he hired Tim Murray the Sabres were on their way.......then Botterill was a “cap guru” from a great organization. The next up and comer. Just some bad luck but I’d argue the bad decisions have been bad looking back on them and not when they were made.
  2. Amari Cooper and Superstar should never be included in the same sentence. In fact, let this be the last time.
  3. Maybe they can rekindle Strikes, Spares and Misses and have Sully host the show.
  4. Looks like someone shot him in his titties with a couple of cocktail franks. Or, is it a him?
  5. It may not be a popular opinion but I'm very happy Daboll is back for a third year with Allen. I believe Allen's progression will continue with the same coach who I believe gets a very unfair shake on these boards.
  6. Was wishing that QB would have gained another yard or lowered his head on that scramble.
  7. Nope, was just breaking someone's balls and I happened to pick you out of the crowd.
  8. With Romo being CBS’s #1 guy I would imagine we will be hearing a lot of him in the coming years covering Bills games.
  9. Smelling it is worse than the Coronavirus is what I’m hearing.
  10. This is the sort of legacy that needs to be carried on after McDermott and Beane are no longer part of the organization. It should be the first thing the Buffalo Bills and us fans are known for. Now and 50 years from now.
  11. I bet not one of them is a good driver.
  12. I guess if Dave Caspar isn't available I might.
  13. Thank the good Lord nobody has said Brian Moorman.
  14. I have a differing view.... A lot of players could be Butfict-like but they just choose to play the game clean. Playing dirty shouldn’t earn earn someone a comparison to Butkus, Nagerski or Jones. Those players were excellent in an era when player safety was of no concern. Burfict has never been excellent.
  15. Knox’s contract expired and he was able to go to Seattle. He signed a 5 year deal and completed the terms of that contract.
  16. Right, 2017 wasn’t cheap. If there was another regular season game to play everyone would have said the Bills controlled their own destiny.
  17. Not a Process kind of guy....well, except for Processed foods.
  18. Then she met with Royale with Cheese and drained something else.
  19. The USFL played an 18 game schedule. Joe Cribbs played 34 games in less than a calendar year at the RB position, carrying the ball 560 times for over 2,500 yards. He lived.
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