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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Do you think I wouldn't attend a college football game if I got the chance to?
  2. Who's to say what I will be doing. There will be football games I can attend while I am down there.
  3. To put this into prespective, I have to travel to Florida in October concerning work. However, since I am an "essential" employee, I do not have to quarantine when I return to New York. Makes sense, huh?
  4. It pleases me to hear that McDermott contacts Marv to pick his brain. What he takes from those sessions, who knows....but to show that sort of respect says a lot about our current coach.
  5. I’m going and am going to stand right at the border of stadium property and keep placing my one foot on stadium property and then remove it real fast to see if I can get away with it. I plan on doing it hundreds of times unless I get arrested.
  6. It very much seems that attacks against Conservative people are celebrated on the football side of the boards. I would advise not to attack back. I'm on my last leg here.
  7. But, why should he be? He turned his own tryout last year into a freak show. Should every player that is inactive for the past four or five years be in the game?
  8. Some minor adjustments and he could be your Huckleberry.
  9. Just further cements why he is my favorite Buffalo Bill.
  10. Makes sense. You don’t have to wear one at Met Life Stadium, right outside of NYC, but have to wear one in Orchard Park, NY.
  11. It really is an amazing contract because, when it expires, Tre's play will either about to begin to decline or it will have already start to.
  12. Violent people do violent things. No surprises with what is going on in Rochester. Rochester needs a few Kyle Rittenhouse’s to step up to the plate.
  13. It’s probably the right decision. Foles was lightning in a bottle. Trubisky has yet to show either lightning or a bottle to hold it in but he was a big investment and you just never know if it will click at some point. I remember thinking Alex Smith sucked with the 49ers.
  14. Their expectations were high last season. Expectations come from within, not from the outside.
  15. Yeah, I would imagine networks do pay the NFL up front to broadcast the games. No matter what, someone is going to demand money back from the NFL if this wildcat strike happens.
  16. If DirecTv/AT&T is feeling generous at the time. But then they will want their money from the NFL. There will be lawsuits, guaranteed.
  17. Back to the point of this topic....I wonder what would happen, let’s say, if the NFLPA started boycotting games and fans that paid for the Sunday Ticket started a class action suit against the NFL/NFLPA/DirecTV to recoup money spent for a product that wasn’t delivered?
  18. I don’t mean to be an ass but all I can do is laugh at this line of thinking. Anyone that thinks a law enforcement officer, when faced with the decision of using deadly force against a minority, or a non-minority, is going to be thinking what sort of effect this will have on what athletes may or may not do concerning playing games,...well, that isn’t going to happen because that will be one of the furthest things from his or her mind when making the decision to pull the trigger or not to. About the only thing that can be done to prevent the death on an innocent person is to take firearms away from 800,000 officers in this country.
  19. Would people from out of town feel comfortable buying Bills tickets in the future? Getting a hotel, airline tix, etc., to have the NFLPA decide they don’t want to play a certain week?
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