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Everything posted by Mrbojanglezs

  1. so basically this "deal" is agreed in principle and we should see this go down 1st day trades are allowed. What is your "prediction"
  2. scratch golfer does not mean he pars every hole. It means that he has a 0 index. Depending on how hard the course is the rating may not be par. Just an FYI for this worthless thread.
  3. Alex Smith? I liked the Kirk Cousins idea much better
  4. 1 or 2. We made the playoffs, monkey is off our back. Now build a winner that will go the distance.
  5. The nostalgia from Bills fans are their biggest downfall.
  6. Murphy looked decent, and he looked good as a pass catcher. But not having McCoy is killer because Tyrod does not win games with his arm.
  7. I heard 50s but wow just checked will be in the 40s. Isn't that like a state of emergency down there?
  8. If I were you I would just go golfing but not sure if you golf.
  9. I hope we do win a game or 2 in the playoffs with Tyrod then maybe we can actually get a 2nd or 3rd for him.
  10. Nope. Sean McD and Beane has proven that they are more than willing to make "unpopular decisions" to part way with players.
  11. Or tyrod can step up and win a game with his arm?
  12. Nope. I'm not there. Maybe with a Superbowl win. Otherwise I'm ready for a change
  13. Haters of what exactly? We are all fans on the board?
  14. Still don't want him back next year unless we win the superbowl
  15. No but it hurts me. It's not the federal governments fault that NY, NJ, CA etc gouges it's residents with extremely high taxes. The standard deduction was doubled so unless you live in a 400k house or own 2 homes most middle class residents in NY will still see a reduction. Especially if you have kids as the child credit was doubled.
  16. Why doesn't everyone just put Dunkirk Don on their ignore list and be done with it. Why the need for the constant posting bashing/making fun of the guy. If you don't believe him just block him and be done with it. This thread is ridiculous
  17. it was anti NFL, coaches don't do that. Thats why I still like the decision even though PeterMan laid a big egg.
  18. dont worry next year all the bashing will be over.
  19. To all the Tyrod apologists in this thread I'm not blaming tyrod for his bad hands although I'm sure at least a few were because of bad throws I blame tyrod for bad stats (yards, catches) etc for all wrs especially when your comparing these stats against his peers on other teams
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