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Chicken Boo

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Everything posted by Chicken Boo

  1. Might as well. By the time this team gets it **** together Shady will be well past prime. He is a waste of talent in Buffalo.
  2. How about non 2nd and 3rd team defenses? Or actual defensive game planning? Would that make a difference or should we start sculpting a bronze bust because of 2 preseason games?
  3. Sure doesn't sound like it. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000828741/article/mccoy-notes-difference-between-watkins-matthews
  4. All in all, its good value and lots of QB ammo for next year's draft. Not upset in the least.
  5. If a team comes calling, Tyrod Taylor is not safe. Beane and Ol Red are going for it!
  6. Because they're paid by the Department of Defense to do so, among other things. Good God...
  7. People who fit your description are the true "snowflakes". They think they're above criticism. I find it ironic that a group of individuals that think so highly of themselves don't like to be held to a higher standard.
  8. He's the center piece of this team. He won't have to restructure anything because the Bills aren't stupid enough to release him.
  9. Yeah, let's go ahead and purge the rest of Whaley's guys, like Sammy, Tyrod, Clay and Shady.
  10. People are now noticing how patient Leveon Bell is, but Priest Holmes was the original "patient" back. He's another forgotten guy along with Ricky Watters, that had HOF level talent. Watters has a HOF resume but politics will keep him out for a long time.
  11. I like Kirk Cousins. I advocated an attempt to trade for him when the Skins were still thinking Bobby Griffin was going to amount to something. That said, paying him $27 million per season is plain crazy!
  12. I love Andre Reed as much as the next guy, but Torry Holt is better/greater than Andre Reed.
  13. Malcolm Butler at 20, Ty Law at 18. Good God... I've never understood why Gil is still relevant. He's been off the mark for a decade or more now.
  14. I guess Marino did nothing in big games either then? You expected Tomlinson to do what, exactly with a bum knee?
  15. Warren Moon doesn't belong on the list??? Ladainian too high? Good lord... Let me jog your memory about the greatness of Ladainian Tomlinson...http://www.nfl.com/player/ladainiantomlinson/2504778/profile Warren Moon, on any planet, is a better QB than Troy Aiman - If you disagree, then you didn't watch them play.
  16. Trading Tyrod would be hinged on 2 things. IF Peterman shows that he can effectively run Dennison's offense and IF there is a team that is willing to part with a 1st rounder for Tyrod, then yes to your original question. I like Tyrod and fully expect him to lead this team all season, but the trade possibility, I think, is real.
  17. change password

  18. There's a lot to like about the QB class. Behind Darnold and Rosen, Mason Rudolph intrigues me the most. He'd have to learn to play from under center, but Rudolph has a live arm and terrific accuracy! He moves well in the pocket, always keeps his eyes downfield and throws with anticipation. It looks like I'm going to be watching more college football this year than I have in a very long time.
  19. I went and scoped some highlights and have come to the conclusion that I was COMPLETELY wrong to doubt this QB class. WOW! I'm so glad we're not hamstrung by a Watson, Mahomes, Trubisky, etc. I hope McDermott is as smart as we all hope he is.
  20. Throw big money at a guy with 3 career starts? Not likely nor is it a good idea.
  21. What team am I drafting for, who's the coach and what era rules are we playing by?
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