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Everything posted by Seanbillsfan2206

  1. I had to stop reading the comments. Their lack of real football knowledge was hurting my brain
  2. https://www.duvalpride.com/showthread.php?tid=26392
  3. We just need to tyrod to have a slightly above average tyrod game. I’m counting on bortles to help us out by throwing a few picks
  4. Haha ok buddy. You’re digging waaayyyy too deep into this. Go bills and try not to go !@#$ yourself
  5. Actually I am. I recently got promoted at work because of that. You’re an excellent judge of character
  6. Hostility? Wow. You must be exreeemely sensitive. It’s ok buddy. Find your safe spot and sit for a couple hours
  7. Literally nobody is thinking about this. Yes. There’s an answer for you
  8. I like peterman and all, but if we take a QB in the first or even second round, I would hope he starts over peterman
  9. Meh. I think I’d rather keep tyrod then roll the dice with Smith. He’s another guy who doesn’t want to throw the ball down the field
  10. We also still have free agency coming up before the draft. A few of those QB needy teams will fill their need there. All 3 QBs in Minnesota are set to be free agents and they won’t keep all of them. Alex Smith will most likely be available. Cousins is obviously the big fish, then you got tyrod who could possibly be let go, Eli Manning possibly, and a couple other potential starters. Should be interesting
  11. There will not be 5 QBs taken in the top 10. Darnold and Rosen for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if one or two drop to our first pick
  12. All the feels all over again. The look on Kyle Williams face when they scored the TD just says it all. It just feels like a Cinderella story
  13. We can all feed these children for less than 17 dollars a day
  14. Your response to my original post also fits this criteria? ??‍♂️
  15. This might be the dumbest post on these boards. And that, my friend, really says something
  16. Someone within the Jacksonville organization told me that every time he throws an interception, his boyfriend puts a gerbil in his butt. Which is why he throws so many interceptions
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