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Everything posted by BillsFan692

  1. And also incognito was never going to be able to play this year-- hes been going nuts.
  2. Honestly Allen couldnt handle the pressure today but Peterman can he has a quick release and gets ball out in a hurry. If our oline was better Allen would shine more, but as it is i think everyone could see peterman as the better option right now. Plus i dont want our oline getting Allen killed.
  3. Uh no. Only bleu cheese is acceptable.
  4. It was already reported that the browns were not using a 'vanilla' defense in the first 2 quarters of this past pre-season game. They were throwing blitz packages at allen and running stunts and he did just fine.
  5. I'm in the "never dennison" camp. He was the worst decision McD made so far as a bill lol
  6. lol.... wow this is like trying to justify the other thread where everyone was like "MCDERMOTT ISN"T GOING TO TELL YOU ANYTHING UNTIL SUNDAY BECAUSE HE IS SO SMART" .. lol ya'll way over thinking this stuff=P
  7. Landry gets away with this dirty stuff all the time cant stand the guy but he is talented He would still be talented without the dirty plays.
  8. I will say peterman has had a nice preseason but he had a nice one last year too i just think his balls float sometimes and he makes the decision to throw too quickly on a floater its a recipe for disaster
  9. It makes absolutely zero sense to start 5th rounder peterman over josh allen. I am just saying peterman has little to no experience himself! Why would you bother? AJ was supposed to be the vet even though his actual experience is quite limited... but now if AJ is hurt the decision for Allen seems easier. I think most fans feel that AJs performance was so awful the other night that this is for the best. My biggest take away from mccaron in that game was him trying to fix his chinstrap from riding up his face while he was getting punished. No fan looking forward to watching a season of that. We'd all rather watch a rookie struggle and mature. Peterman is too scary for me on those side line throws... yeesh almost a pick 6 on first play against 3rd string
  10. Rosen was playing in 1st snd 2nd quarter so not exactly the same to compare him to allen with the third string is it?
  11. Not really... I thought it was a late and unnecessary hit. By all means, clock each other out that's half the reason we watch in the first place but do so manned up, not late and from behind.
  12. so between mccarron and nate we are at 16/20 for 227 yards 2tds a FG and 1 int or something like that? I'll take that in one half of football any day it's quite refreshing actually. I think we're heading in the right direction and Daboll seems light years ahead of Dennison most of all.
  13. Truthfully if Ivory had caught that ball he was about to get destroyed by the big linemen. I think that may have had something to do with it as well. If the ball had been delivered in front of him that linemen probably would have been a non factor but because where it was he was having to pump back a little bit and he was going to get drilled if he caught it. I'd say 50/50 on the blame for the actual int between ivory and peterman, not every throw is going to be pin-point perfect, you got to protect the ball at least make sure nobody else catches it.
  14. Davis stood out to me, I didn't notice edmunds out of position but he did seem a little nervous out there.
  15. Lol you've been posting on these boards all spring and summer. Its okay, we are like BILLS ADDICTS ANONYMOUS.
  16. The kid isnt ready to start yet calm down he barely knows how to talk to the reporters. Give him a chance hes been in town for 2 weeks he has a lot to learn. Aj is the man for now we better get used to it.
  17. Average team around 300 million in revenue 40 million in profit? So not as much as you'd think basically https://www.quora.com/How-much-money-does-an-NFL-team-owner-make-off-his-her-team-per-year Although 40 million a year in profit adds up nicely over time.
  18. Really? The most obvious reason why WRs are so successful in Pittsburgh isn't there uncanny drafting ability -- it's the fact that they have BEN ROETHLISBERGER. I'm not even sure how you can compare it to a Tyrod Taylor led offense? Thats the biggest difference, in my mind. You don't think if Zay Jones was drafted by Pitt he would have had a better season?:P Not saying he's better than JuJu, but I know for sure he would have had a much better statistical season with Big Ben and that high flying offense.
  19. Time to move on you know you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you might find....
  20. This shouldn't surprise you. What choice do fans have? Be pouty, whiney, know it all crybabies who refuse to support their teams decision because they think they know best? Yeah. When life hands you lemons you make the lemonade.
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