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Jamie Muellers Ghost

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Everything posted by Jamie Muellers Ghost

  1. He is at OBD receiving daily medical rehab per Murph and Donald last week.
  2. Something special happening in Buffalo. Love it! I think McBeane understood they had to upgrade the #2 RB spot and seen how important it was facing a team like the Saints and watching the Eagles second half. I hope Cadet can come back for the #3 and then continued practice squad develop.
  3. Who is our Offensive coordinator now ? I think you guys could be on to something about the double tight ends.
  4. He is ranked the 8th DT prospect on Walter. If he he jumps a few spots or depending on team evaluation he should be somewhere around there. May be a good thing there was no combine chatter on him should mean he doesn't move up much.
  5. There trying the make other teams as confused as us. Hopefully it is working. You will never totally replace Kyle. He is the ultimate overachiever and no one has cloned that gene "yet".
  6. He also said Scott McDermott" once and then referred to him as 'McDermott". I really hope it was just a mistake and not that he did not remmber the name of his new head coach.
  7. We need to start thinking in the mind of Daboll on QB. Would he come here from ALA, shun the Pats if McDaniel's left without a QB plan ? I think then we can start connecting some dots when we start thinking along these lines.
  8. I get it, but the worst heartburn I have ever had in my life after a Amerks game.
  9. I still think a balance of best fit and money will prevail. I just do not see him choosing the NYC pressure cooker and AZ is rebuilding.
  10. Broncos, Vikings, Cardinals, Jets Money must of really scared McBeane away. If Cousins ends up being Brees, it will be yet another lost opportunity to add to the list. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/report-kirk-cousins-list-down-172441354.html
  11. Well after the last week or so of the hype train it would not surprise me. Have felt there is allot of smoke being blown about QB trade up and that they may like someone else. Whispers that the Pats like him as well. He is a guy if you love you go get at the top of the 2nd round.
  12. I smell a huge smokescreen here tbh. You just do not put this info out there like this. One theory is there are trying to hype up Rosen because they prefer another guy.
  13. Henry Rollins on Why Vinyl Matters https://reverb.com/news/henry-rollins-on-why-vinyl-matters-every-record-i-own-is-a-must-have-i-wouldn't-have-them-otherwise
  14. I think Roberto Aguayo guarantees we will not see a kicker high in a draft for a while.
  15. Two firsts (one this year, one next), second (one of this years), and third for Cam Newton.
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