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Everything posted by Yav

  1. Go look on the bills website, there’s at least 2 videos talking about him. What? 1. Has great hands in traffic 2. Runs the entire route tree 3. Runs great routes and uses fluid motion and size to gain separation. Some of you you should start taking to time to watch the videos after his proday. He is the most pro ready WR coming out of the draft. https://www.buffalobills.com/news/where-s-the-best-value-for-wide-receivers-in-the-2019-nfl-draft watch the video https://www.buffalobills.com/video/nfl-network-s-curtis-conway-s-top-five-wide-receivers-in-2019-nfl-draft again watch the video but yea nobody has Harry that high ... smh
  2. Ha, he’s not gonna be around in the second. He’s the top WR in the draft, can play slot and outside, runs all the routes and the best YAC. He will be the 1st WR taken.
  3. I was joking around but I agree that Harry would be a great fit. His personality is great as well.
  4. I happy to have given you something to laugh about. My comment was complete BS — but like anything on the internet, if you can make it seem like you're confident people will believe it. Harry was in Buffalo, but the rest of my comment was complete BS - of course I have no idea who the Bills like. I can honestly tell you that Harry has a fantastic personality and reminds me a little of a young Larry Fitz in that he's humble and willing to do what the team asks of him. He's a fantastic young man and I'm sure that's helping him during his interviews.
  5. I actually have it on very good authority that the Bills don’t even have a 1st round grade on DK. They have Harry rated as the #1 WR in the draft and a top 10 prospect. Like many they feel Harry can come in and be a true #1 and Allen has been in contact with Harry already.
  6. And N’Keal Harry was in Buffalo today and if anyone is paying attention, Harry is being talked about as the best WR in this draft. pro ready and can play inside as well as outside. Now that the dust has settled and teams are meeting these kids, Harry is rising to the top where he belongs. Harry would be a perfect fit in Buffalo.
  7. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/nfl-network-s-curtis-conway-s-top-five-wide-receivers-in-2019-nfl-draft There have been a few doubters about N’Keal but what do you say now?
  8. Are the Bills just signing up all the OL available in FA? Its great to see all the additions and they aren't going to tie up salary for years to come with these 1 year contracts.
  9. Again, it seems like for every player that’s a positive there are 2 that are negative. Perception. Reading is fundamental. Lol But, I feel that Bama hasn’t been that good for the Bills. Ragland and Kujo most recently, heck even Marcel ended up being a lazy turd.
  10. DK Metcalf Anyone from Alabama, they seem to play so much in college they end up injured or lack motivation in the pros.
  11. Actually Bleacher has him as the 1st WR off the board to Carolina and he was just on GMFB and they even said it’s possible for him to be the 1st WR taken. This kids going to impress during interviews. He’s got the skills & personality.
  12. If the Bills go WR I hope it's N'Keal Harry. He's the big body WR the Bills could use and his ability to produce YAC is just amazing then add in his return ability. I think the Bills will go with Ed Oliver or Hockenson. I'll be happy as long as they pass on DK. Nothing about him impresses me.
  13. 1. NO 2. The Bills have Barkley and honestly that one of the best moves they've made 3, 4 & 5. NO
  14. Yea, nothing jumps out at you...SMH dude is a beast, strong hands, huge catch radius, plays faster than his 40 time, runs good routes, best YAC ability in the draft and seriously watch him return kicks. You saying watching him play nothing stands out, then you’ve never watched him play.
  15. Walter Payton and it’s not even close.
  16. I think you need to have your eyes checked for cataracts. Metcalf can run fast in one direct and will struggle with press coverage, not to mention he doesn’t have the greatest of hands. Harry has strong hands and can fight through press coverage, he can play outside or slot, he’s big and will impose his will on DBs. Harry is also a damn good blocker. With the ball there is no better WR in this draft. His ability to create YAC separate him from the rest & we still haven’t talked about his return ability.
  17. Harry is the same size as DK, same bench as DK, has better hands and has the best YAC in the draft but yea same as Zay ... SMH bleacher also has Harry as the first WR being taken by Carolina with Baltimore settling for DK. Baltimore and Pittsburgh both like Harry.
  18. As much as I'd love to see N'Keal Harry in Buffalo, I think you're correct. I think they will go in that order (DT and then TE).
  19. He’s a good kid. He’s willing to block as well as contribute on special teams. His YAC is the best of all WR in this draft. I believe he’s going to be similar to Anquan Bolin. Big strong dependable WR. He plays faster than that 4.5 40 time. Watch some one of the videos of him on YouTube. I just think he is a safer pick than DK and he’s from my school ?
  20. Exactly. Harry was able to produce. Most people just want to say his production dropped because the stats show that, but what they don't see is that ASU couldn't figure out how to use Harry and started running the ball more due to poor QB play. Harry is the same size as DK. Put up the same reps at the combine. Is a high character kid and is a 3rd year player. DK is a second year player and really only ran two routes. For me Harry right now is better than DK and has all the upside with less risk.
  21. That was 100% on Clay. The ball hit him in the hands. He stepped into the throw and tripped over his own feet in the process and he dropped the ball. I get it that stats are used for player assessment but you still need to look into those stats further. The fact that the Bills WR were tied with AZ for second most drops at the 1/2 way point of the season speaks volumes.
  22. Tim Graham is a tool. He tends to post ***** without any real knowledge of the subject and then will defend his BS as if he's an authority on the subject. I personally can't stand that jackass.
  23. How can anyone compare the two based off completion percentage? Allen had one of the worst WR groups in football for most of the year. If KB was on the Jets dropping balls left and right would Darnold still be at 57.7%? I'm betting not. The dropped pass by Clay for a TD vs Miami that would have won the game sums up what Allen had to deal with all season.
  24. The Pac 12 hasn't produced much but Nick Foles has done well and Jake Plummer was serviceable, but that list isn't very impressive. I personally think the QBs from USC and UCLA fail with cold weather teams. Nothing against Darnold, he looks like he's going to be a fine QB for the Jets but I honestly think the Bills had their mind set on Allen. He's got a stronger arm and he is more athletic and I believe the Bills were locked in on Allen as their top guy.
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