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Everything posted by Yav

  1. Well, the Jets are oicking high and they are stupid so DK will get picked first, just like Watkins and let’s not forget he hasn’t been worth that pick and hasn’t been the best from that class. I think time will show the same with this class. Harry will be like Anquan Bolin and DK will be like Watkins our hurt all the time.
  2. Just don’t get a drink because with his drops you’ll be throwing that drink, but that’s assuming he stays healthy.
  3. Metcalf wasn’t even the best WR on his team and he has a tendency to drop balls, Harry had poor QB play and a team that could figure out their identity. Seriously, you want to sing him for not running a stupid drill in shorts when there’s actual game tape that shows his ability? His YAC ability is amazing, that right there shows his agility and speed. Its as as if people just can’t figure that out, thankfully NFL scouts know better and with any luck some team like the Jets will end up with DK and they can enjoy the frustration of his injuries and drops and more than likely a PED violation.
  4. Have you even seen Harry play? His YAC is simply impressive. He’s also a damn good return guy. He runs better routes and will win the contested catches. I’m confused with how many people are overlooking that and just acting like DK made of glass Metcalf is amazing because he can run fast in one direction. ASU had bad QB play and Harry was still impressive. Thankfully NFL scouts know better than idiots like Buckey Brooks and fans.
  5. I’m confused. I get the size and speed but hands? Is the trading staff going to give him a hand transplant? Enter N’Keal Harry. Mad YAC skills, great hands, better route runner, 4.5 40, 6’3” and 27 reps on the bench. Oh and he can contribute on returns.
  6. As a Ducks fan (gag) you should know that ASU has issues with play calling and QB play, you should also know that this YAC is amazing and he wins contested catches.
  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/nfl/2019/3/2/18245181/2019-nfl-combine-results-wide-receiver-tight-end https://www.google.com/amp/arizonasports.com/story/1859692/n-keal-harry-has-impressive-day-nfl-combine-40-yard-dash-jumping/amp/ Do a search on Twitter for N’Keal Harry and you’ll see. I get it most on the East Coast don’t get to see PAC 12 games, but this kid is the real deal. Thankfully some NFL scouts recognize how good this young man really is.
  8. He’s injury prone, not a good route runner and tends to drop the ball in critical situations. N’Keal Harry is a better WR, has strong hands wins contested catches, runs good routes, has insane YAC ability and can contribute on returns. Oh and Harry also had 27 reps on the bench.
  9. Who? Harry was was a winner from the combine... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/nfl/2019/3/2/18245181/2019-nfl-combine-results-wide-receiver-tight-end I’ll take my man Harry. Fear the Fork!
  10. Who isn’t going to be better than N’Keal Harry in the NFL?
  11. I don’t understand the hype for DK. Harry is a good character guy and a WR that will impose his will on a DB. He can contribute as a return man and his Ability to create YAC is amazing. The kids going to be a beast in the NFL. https://www.google.com/amp/arizonasports.com/story/1859692/n-keal-harry-has-impressive-day-nfl-combine-40-yard-dash-jumping/amp/
  12. Just do a search on Twitter and you’ll see there’s so many people that see this kid as the better WR. He’s a beast and hopefully the Bills meet with this kid.
  13. Meh, Rams can make that $40.00 back with one sale of beer at the game.
  14. He has deceptive speed. He runs good routes but ASU didn’t run the full tree so he’ll need to learn the entire tree. He’s A big body WR that will win the contested catches. He attacks the ball. ASU had some serious issues, they struggled to get the ball to him later in the season. There are a lot of balls that skipped to him and they tried to be a power run team later in the year. To answer youe question, yes his QB wasn’t very good. Harry is a beast and if you look look on Twitter there are many, like me, that think he’s an early first round talent. He matched 27 reps on the bench and I think has a 4.40 40 time. He can contribute as a returner as well as WR. His ability to create YAC is incredible and he has very strong hands.
  15. N’Keal Harry. https://www.foxsports.com/college-football/video/1354908739715 Kids a beast. I’d take home over DK everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
  16. Nope, still think the kids on something. It’s been talked about with a lot of Ol Miss players. N’Keal Harry just marched himon the bench with 27 reps and came in at 228 pounds. I’m telling you Harry has YAC ability and will win the contested balls. Don’t sleep on the beast out of ASU.
  17. DK added size in a matter of 2 months. Not something that is done without help. Sorry but diet alone will not add that size from Dec-now. Call it whatever you want picture angle or filter, it’s the added size that’s a red flag. Playing sports your entire life doesn’t mean you have an understanding of PEDs or their effect. Ive said it multiple times that Harry’s combine will determine, but right now he’s already been mentioned as the top WR in the draft. He has elusive speed and if you “know” about him then you already know that. As for DK, I don’t have a personal stake in any of the players, but dude is a walking violation like it or not. That’s funny. You got me. I know nothing about working out. ive seen quite a few HS athletes taking tbol and never getting busted but yea what do I know.
  18. Opinions vary and Harry plays faster.
  19. You know anything about working out? Building your body? PEDs? Little known fact, pre the ban on pro-hormones you could buy steroids over the counter. Look it up. On top of that do some research on crossfit, that sport is full of steroids — FULL. Learn about what these players are doing. You can take a mild oral along with TEST and be done and out of your cycle in 6 weeks and have added up near 20 pounds of muscle on your body. But I suppose you know far more than anyone on the topic. Take a look at Metcalf he's added the size in short period of time, not attainable clean. Even with a spot on diet and working out 7 days a week you're not going to get that size that fast without help. Harry right now is the best WR in the draft, again combine can change that. He doesn't have to have the fastest 40 time and I know he will not. But his hands are incredible and catch radius is incredible. I do believe that Metcalf will get in trouble for PEDs if not before the draft he's gonna get hit his rookie season. Just take a look at the NFLs list of suspended players and you'll see that it's a lot more common. Eat Clen, Tren hard, Dbol-ish your goals, Winny everything and Anavar quit.
  20. I agree. He's got a lot of talent and just needs some help around him and a coaching staff.
  21. And? If we're going off just numbers, Taylor had a great year in 2016 playing for buffalo ranking him at #9 in QBR - guess that means Taylor is a top 10 guy in your books because numbers matter.
  22. hmm, didn't know opinions could be true of false. interesting. On a side not, I disagree with you. I think he's been a good QB.
  23. Why? He's gonna get hit with a PED violation. He's on juice, if you can't see that then you have a problem. He's not even the best WR in the draft - SMH N'Keal Harry is the best WR in this draft.
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