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Everything posted by StHustle

  1. Wow. I know Valentino Shine Sr.'s son very well. Craziness. As far as Bills and Sabres players paying for escorts...EVERY PRO TEAM HAS THIS ISSUE. Its not a big deal as some of you think.
  2. This is actually my 3rd season, still on my rookie contract tho so no offense taken.
  3. Good interview on the radio earlier. Will post a link if I find it.
  4. Whole thread about it on front page. First visit here this week?
  5. I have now heard multiple analysts refer to this as the first Thursday Night game of the year. Did they totally forget the season opens with a Thursday Night game??
  6. Would've happened by now. He is on the team for the Giants game. ? Hope he is saving his money though.
  7. I'm sure they would want a 1st rounder for him which the Bulls wouldn't do. DB isn't a need and not worth that price for a luxury move.
  8. This is what needs to be fixed about the commissioner's exempt list. You should get credit for weeks already missed and just have to pay back your game checks for those weeks. It makes absolutely no sense that, for example, a guy could miss 8 weeks on the exempt list before getting suspended for 6 games and miss a total of 14 games for what turned out to be a 6 game violation. Not sure how this isn't already in place.
  9. Get rid of him for what? The Bills already knew what he did. We all heard the recordings. If we were going to cut him, should have done it then.
  10. We have been a fan base starved of national notoriety. It's one thing to disagree with it being important...it's another to come off like you can't understand how many people do.
  11. Oh wow I didnt realize when a word that has multiple definitions is used, all definitions apply at once. Interesting,
  12. That's what I like to call FREE Money
  13. What's the issue? Ma·fi·a /ˈmäfēə/ noun noun: Mafia; noun: the Mafia a closed group of people in a particular field, having a controlling influence.
  14. Link? Just curious who the lazy "sports journalist" is. Like you I find these funny. Pure entertainment.
  15. LOVE IT! Will look forward to seeing these every week (that we win...lol)
  16. Mahomes best QB in the league? Ok I can buy that. Big Ben a close second???? GTFOH
  17. He is basically saying Daniel Jones has a higher ceiling than Josh Allen. Not a popular opinion. Time will reveal.
  18. Ok so I hope nobody in here touches the private parts of their sleeping boyfriends or girlfriends while laying in bed with them. It's sexual assault correct? I'm not saying thats exactly how it went down in this situation but Im trying to show its BOGUS to suggest you need consent for every single sexual gesture to someone you are in a sexual relationship with. So basically put, if you wake up in the middle of the night and grab your girlfriends rear end in her sleep you just committed a felony and should register as a sex offender after your prison time is up....GTFOH.
  19. I didnt say it was. I was responding to Yolo's post and put a hypothetical situation out there. Do you think the situation I described is illegal?
  20. OP please come back and post the reactions after we go dominate them. It should be equally as entertaining.
  21. What year do you think the media first reported on the Cosby allegations??? You are proving my point
  22. Is that what I said? I understand that its difficult for women to come forward. Im making the point that she is now coming forward for a paycheck. Not to put AB behind bars, You are a fool to think this means nothing.
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