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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/globaltimesnews/status/1236627571913052161
  2. https://twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1236057140495777793
  3. oh pshaw. now you're just channeling your inner @transplantbillsfan
  4. this goes equally as well in the hoax thread but i thought it worked better here. https://twitter.com/MathematicallyI/status/1236468749487800322
  5. on the bright side, if the recent past is any indication of the karmic boomerang effect these idiots have taken, we know it won't be long before Joe does something irrefutable.
  6. i hope you are right. however my skepticism doubts it. i think the days of healthy big business customer service is long gone. i remember when i became totally miffed with it. back around 2004 or so, just after the turn of the century anyways, the Berry company wasn't billing me for my Yellow Pages ad. i had to call them repeatedly to tell them they were not billing me for it. after about 4 months i said the hell with it and figured they would figure it out someday. about four months later, when it became time to re-up for the coming year, i had to tell my rep about it and he eventually got it resolved. i mean, as anyone who has advertised with the book can tell you, we are talking a rather good chunk of change. since that time, it has only gotten worse, customer service has fallen by the wayside. i became fond of saying that if i ran my small business like companies ran their large business, i would have been out of business yesterday. anywho, to bring it back around and beg your pardon for the little rant.... i hate the self serve checkouts, i refuse to use them. i don't care if they are empty and the cashier line is out the door, i will patiently stand in line and wait for my turn. i patently object to them, i don't believe the companies that use them are returning the savings to me, the customer. so ***** them.
  7. i don't know if Mike Doran sanitized his Twitter feed or not but all of his tweets back to Oct '19 are gone. strange.
  8. Reader lines up all over. it's just for the year then he replaces Star permanently.
  9. while the depth problem might not be completely solved, we are quickly approaching, and in a good number of areas are at, the point where elite talent is the next step in our roster building.
  10. if they're gonna give JP 9mm, just up it a couple mm and sign Reader instead.
  11. my store has those rolls of the plastic bags in the meat dept like you see in the produce dept, strategically placed.. as for others contaminated bags, keep your bags in your cart. germs are everywhere.
  12. pretty much only shop at Wegmans here but... they do provide plastic bags in the meat department as well as the produce and frozen foods depts. additionally, if you have cloth reusables, they can and should be washed regularly. i believe the main reason they are charging the nickel per bag is to push people into reusables and eventually paper will not be offered. as it is now, here in the Rochester area, Aldis and Price Chopper have no bag option, you either bring your own or you do without.
  13. one reason why i posted the BDI. shows that shipping out of China is ramping up. disclaimer, i don't know if the virus is actually subsiding in China.
  14. did @John Adams just birth another @Cybil?
  15. BDI seems to be recovering. a 5 year for reference. and a 10 year reference.
  16. https://twitter.com/WoobieTuesday/status/1236416904794763265
  17. https://twitter.com/architecturehub/status/1236498176309411840
  18. :45 clip of his gaffs at the Missouri rally. one wonders just how bad this would be if the man didn't have teleprompters. https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1236498491297464320
  19. https://twitter.com/michaelbeatty3/status/1236655706142420993
  20. i can't see the DNC letting ol'Joe get anywhere near a debate with the Trumpster. "Joe sprained his brai.. err, ummm foot in a fall last night, unfortunately he will not be able to make it or any for the rest of the election cycle."
  21. pretty soon we are going to need a ''20 Presidential Election' thread. https://twitter.com/johnkartch/status/1236373403155804164
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